The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

CEEB Advanced Placement (AP) Tests

If you are a high school student anticipating course credit through CEEB AP Tests, you should make arrangements to take the proper examination(s) with your high school counselor or AP coordinator. This should be done in time for your scores to be received and evaluated by UTRGV before you begin your first semester. Course credit or exemptions may be obtained in the subjects listed below:

CEEB Advanced Placement Tests Scores

AP Exam UTRGV Course Course Title Min. Score Hrs. Credit
Economics (Macro) ECON 2301 Principles of Macroeconomics 3 3
Economics (Micro) ECON 2302 Principles of Microeconomics 3 3
Computer Science (A) CSCI 1370       
CSCI 1170
Engineering Computer Science I
Engineering Computer Science I Laboratory
3 4
Computer Science Principles CSCI 1101 Introduction to Computer Science 3 1
Art History ARTS 1301
ARTS 1303
Art Appreciation
Art History I, Prehistoric to the 14th-Century
3 3
Studio Art - Drawing Portfolio ARTS 1316 Drawing I 3 3
Studio Art - General Portfolio ARTS 1311 Design I 3 3
Studio Art 2-D Design ARTS 1311 Design I 3 3
Studio Art 3-D Design ARTS 1312 Design II 3 3
Biology BIOL 1406
BIOL 1407
General Biology I
General Biology II
3 8
Chemistry CHEM 1311 CHEM 1111 CHEM 1312 CHEM 1112 General Chemistry I        General Chemistry I Lab  General Chemistry II      General Chemistry II Lab 3 8
Calculus (AB) MATH 2413 Calculus I 3 4
Calculus (BC) MATH 2413 MATH 2414 Calculus I                  Calculus II 3 8
Physics 1 PHYS 1401 General Physics I 3 4
Physics 2 PHYS 1402 General Physics II 3 4
Physics (B) PHYS 1401 PHYS 1402 General Physics I          General Physics II 3 8
Physics (C) - Mechanics PHYS 1401
PHYS 2425
General Physics I
Physics for Scientists and Engineers I
3 4
Physics (C) - Electricity & Magnetism PHYS 1402
PHYS 2426
General Physics II
Physics for Scientists and Engineers II
3 4
Environmental Science ENVR 1401                      ENVR 1402 Introduction to Environmental Science I                Introduction To Environmental Science II 3 8
Statistics MATH 1342      
PSYC 2302
Elementary Statistical Methods
Basic Statistics for Psychologists
3 3
English Language ENGL 1301 Rhetoric and Composition I 3 3
English Literature and Composition ENGL 2341 Introduction to Literature 3 3
U.S. History HIST 1301 U.S. History I 3 3
U.S. History HIST 1301
HIST 1302
U.S. History I
U.S. History II
4 6
World History HIST 2321 World History I 3 3
U.S. Government POLS 2305 U.S. Federal Government & Politics 3 3
Comparative Government and Politics POLS 2330 Introduction to Globalization 3 3
Psychology PSYC 2301 General Psychology 3 3
French Language and Culture FREN 1311 FREN 1312 Beginning French I    Beginning French II 3 6
French Language and Culture FREN 1311 FREN 1312 FREN 2311 Beginning French I    Beginning French II Intermediate French I 4 9
French Language and Culture FREN 1311 FREN 1312 FREN 2311 FREN 2312 Beginning French I    Beginning French II Intermediate French I Intermediate French II 5 12
German Language and Culture GERM 1311 GERM 1312 Beginning German I  Beginning German II 3 6
German Language and Culture GERM 1311 GERM 1312 GERM 2311 Beginning German I  Beginning German II Intermediate German I 4 9
German Language and Culture GERM 1311 GERM 1312 GERM 2311 GERM 2312 Beginning German I  Beginning German II Intermediate German I Intermediate German II 5 12
Spanish Language or Spanish Literature SPAN 1311 SPAN 1312 Beginning Spanish I  Beginning Spanish II 3 6
Spanish Language or Spanish Literature SPAN 1311 SPAN 1312 SPAN 2311 Beginning Spanish I  Beginning Spanish II Intermediate Spanish I 4 9
Spanish Language or Spanish Literature SPAN 1311 SPAN 1312 SPAN 2311 SPAN 2312 Beginning Spanish I  Beginning Spanish II Intermediate Spanish I Intermediate Spanish II 5 12
Chinese, Japanese, Italian, or Latin Language and Culture FORL 1391                    FORL 1392 Elementary Studies in Foreign Languages I          Elementary Studies in Foreign Languages II 3 6

NOTE: High school students anticipating college credit through College Entrance Examination Board Achievement, Advanced Placement Tests and/or International Baccalaureate should make arrangements to take the proper examination(s) with their high school counselors, AP or IB coordinators. This should be done in time for scores to be received and evaluated by UTRGV before students begin their first semester.