The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Students can earn course credit at UTRGV in a wide variety of subject areas through CLEP Subject Examinations, which are standardized 90-minute, multiple-choice tests.

UTRGV does not grant CLEP credit for a class in which the student has received a letter grade. Letter grades do not include courses in which a student has dropped or withdrawn. These exams are administered by the UTRGV Testing Center several times a month throughout the academic year. For available test dates, contact the:

Testing Center

1601 Price Rd., Suite E
Resaca Village
Brownsville, TX 78520
Phone: 956-882-8875
1407 East Freddy Gonzalez Dr.
CESS Building
Edinburg, TX 78539
Phone: 956-665-7570

Listed below are subject areas in which UTRGV credit can be earned through the CLEP testing program, along with the required minimum score for each test. (The minimum score usually represents successful completion of 35 to 50 percent of the questions on an examination.) UTRGV credit is posted to a student’s transcript once the official score report is sent to UTRGV (approximately three weeks after exam) and after he or she officially enrolls at the university. However, CLEP credits are removed from students’ transcripts if they enroll in classes but subsequently withdraw before the first class day. CLEP credit cannot be used to clear financial aid deficiencies.

Students who do not plan to enroll at the university are also permitted to take CLEP tests at the UTRGV Testing Center. However, it is the responsibility of the student to contact the institution at which she/he plans to enroll in order to verify which CLEP tests are accepted for credit.

In order to prepare for CLEP testing, students may purchase The Official Guide for the CLEP Examinations at the UTRGV Bookstore or order it from The College Board website at: Students are also recommended to obtain an appropriate textbook and/or study guide for the specific test(s).

CLEP Subject Examination

CLEP Exam (Subject) UTRGV Course Course Title Min. Score Hrs. Credit
Principles of Accounting ACCT 2301
ACCT 2302
Introduction To Financial Accounting
Introduction To Managerial Accounting
53 6
Introductory Business Law BLAW 3337 Business Law I 54 3
Info Sys and Comp Appl INFS 1301 Computer Information Systems 51 3
Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 2301 Principles of Macroeconomics 53 3
Principles of Microeconomics ECON 2302 Principles of Microeconomics 53 3
Principles of Management MGMT 3361 Principles of Management 53 3
Principles of Marketing MARK 3300 Principles of Marketing 53 3
Biology BIOL 1406
BIOL 1407
General Biology I (lecture + lab) General Biology II (lecture + lab) 50 8
Chemistry CHEM 1311
CHEM 1111
CHEM 1312
CHEM 1112
General Chemistry I General Chemistry I Lab General Chemistry II General Chemistry II Lab 50 8
College Algebra MATH 1314 College Algebra 50 3
Calculus MATH 2413
MATH 2414
Calculus I Calculus II 50 8
Introductory Psychology PSYC 2301 General Psychology 50 3
Human Growth & Development PSYC 3337 Developmental Psychology: Lifespan 50 3
Analysis of Interp Lit ENGL 2341 Introduction to Literature 50 3
American Literature ENGL 2326 Introduction to American Literature 50 3
English Literature ENGL 2321 Introduction to British Literature 50 3
History of the U.S. I HIST 1301 U.S. History I 50 3
History of the U.S. II HIST 1302 U.S. History II 50 3
American Government POLS 2305 U.S. Federal Government & Politics 50 3
Introductory Sociology SOCI 1301 Introduction to Sociology 50 3
French Lang FREN 1311 Beginning French I 50 3
French Lang FREN 1311
FREN 1312
Beginning French I Beginning French II 52 6
French Lang FREN 1311
FREN 1312
FREN 2311
Beginning French I Beginning French II Intermediate French I 65 9
French Lang FREN 1311
FREN 1312
FREN 2311
FREN 2312
Beginning French I Beginning French II Intermediate French I Intermediate French II 75 12
German Lang GERM 1311 Beginning German I 50 3
German Lang GERM 1311
GERM 1312
Beginning German I Beginning German II 52 6
German Lang GERM 1311
GERM 1312
GERM 2311
Beginning German I Beginning German II Intermediate German I 65 9
German Lang GERM 1311
GERM 1312
GERM 2311
GERM 2312
Beginning German I Beginning German II Intermediate German I Intermediate German II 75 12
Spanish Lang SPAN 1311 Beginning Spanish I 50 3
Spanish Lang SPAN 1311
SPAN 1312
Beginning Spanish I
Beginning Spanish II
52 6
Spanish Lang SPAN 1311
SPAN 1312
SPAN 2311
Beginning Spanish I
Beginning Spanish II
Intermediate Spanish I
65 9
Spanish Lang SPAN 1311
SPAN 1312
SPAN 2311
SPAN 2312
Beginning Spanish I
Beginning Spanish II
Intermediate Spanish I Intermediate Spanish II
75 12