The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Reporting Sexual Misconduct

All Vaqueros are encouraged to report sexual harassment, sexual misconduct and discrimination.  If prior to making a report, you would like to speak to someone confidentially, UTRGV confidential resources are available, such as, the Office for Advocacy & Violence Prevention (OAVP, formerly OVAVP), the Vaqueros Crisis Line and the Counseling Center. Any faculty or staff member who receives a report of sexual misconduct, and who is not bound by professional confidentiality (advocates, counselors, spiritual advisors, and healthcare providers are confidential resources), is encouraged to report it to the Title IX Coordinator.

At UTRGV, students, faculty and staff have many reporting options:

The Office of Institutional Equity & Diversity

Attention: Title IX Coordinator

Office: (956) 665-3838

Direct: (956) 665-2103

Please contact 911, if a situation poses an immediate risk to health, life, property, or environment. Most emergencies require urgent intervention to prevent a worsening of the situation.

When making a verbal report, please include the following information, if available: 

  • Your name and contact details Names of the implicated persons (complainants & respondents)
  • Approximate date and time that the incidence(s) occurred Where the incidence(s) occurred
  • What happened or what you think happened (if you, or someone you know, was asleep or incapacitated)
  • Whether you are seeking immediate help from the Office of Institutional Equity & Diversity, such as with a no contact order or a housing accommodation.
  • Whether you made an earlier report and to whom  

You can also complete the online Office of Institutional Equity& Diversity Report It at and email it to or send it to The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Office of Institutional Equity & Diversity, Attn: Title IX Coordinator, 1201 W. University Drive, Edinburg, Texas 78539.

If you choose, you can make an anonymous verbal or written report to the Title IX Coordinator or a Title IX Deputy Coordinator.

Title IX Responsible Employees

You can also inform a Title IX Responsible Employee. UTRGV is committed to maintaining an environment free of sex discrimination, and many employees are designated as Title IX Responsible Employees. If you wish confidentiality, ask if the person you are speaking with is a Title IX Responsible Employee. Title IX Responsible Employees are mandated reporters who must inform the Title IX Coordinator or a Deputy Coordinator whenever they receive a report of sexual misconduct.  

Vaqueros Report It

Student Rights and Responsibilities provides an online reporting system, called Vaqueros Report It, which allows students, staff and faculty a way to report violations of the Student Code of Conduct and other matters of concern. 

Compliance Hotline 

The Compliance Hotline is another available UTRGV resource for complainants, witnesses and others that wish to report anonymously. The Hotline is available 24/7. Calls can be taken in English or in Spanish.

Toll Free Hotline: (877) 882-3999

Law Enforcement

  • Call 9-1-1 (if an emergency) or contact local law enforcement.
  • UTRGV Police Department (University Police): (956) 882-4911 (emergency line)
  • UTRGV Police Department (University Police): (956) 882-7777 (information line) 

If you wish, the Title IX Coordinator and Title IX Deputy Coordinators can help you contact the University Police Department. Reporting the incident does not mean that the survivor must proceed with prosecution. Survivors may also use a pseudonym to protect their identity. Victims of sexual assault are not required to file criminal charges or seek judicial actions through UTRGV’s disciplinary process. Survivors are encouraged to report.

If you have protective or restraining orders relevant to a UTRGV report of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct, we encourage you to provide a copy to University Police.

External Reporting:

  • Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education
  • U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
  • Texas Workforce Commission, Civil Rights Division