The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Complaint Process and Rights of Participants

UTRGV will take appropriate action(s), to resolve complaints of sexual misconduct, to prevent any recurrence and, as appropriate, to remedy any effects. UTRGV’s Office of Institutional Equity & Diversity reviews all sexual misconduct reports. Depending on the nature of the report, the report may result in a formal investigation. Each party to a complaint can have an advisor support them. Investigative findings are available for review to the parties when an investigation concludes, if initiated. Each party can respond to the investigative findings in writing. Based on the available record, a designated University official will render a final determination. Any adverse action threatened or taken against someone because the individual has filed, supported, provided information in connection with a complaint of sexual misconduct or engaged in other legally protected activities is prohibited. Retaliation includes, but is not limited to, intimidation, threats or harassment against any complainant, witness or third party.

For a detailed description of the complaint processes, please see ADM 03-100 and ADM 03-300.

Disciplinary Process

Disciplinary action against faculty and employees is pursuant to UTRGV’s policies for discipline and dismissal of faculty and employees or ADM 03-300, the sexual misconduct policy, as applicable. Disciplinary actions may include, but are not limited to, written reprimands, the imposition of conditions, reassignment, suspension, and dismissal. The Dean of Students or designee will impose disciplinary action, if any, against a student under UTRGV’s student disciplinary procedures or be subject to disciplinary action by an appropriate university official pursuant to ADM 03-300, the sexual misconduct policy. Student disciplinary actions may include, but are not limited to, probation, suspension, or expulsion.

Parties to a complaint are entitled to an advisor during any disciplinary proceedings. Parties are informed of disciplinary proceeding outcomes.