The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Department of Computer Science

Computer Science is the study of the structure, function and application of computers and is central to the rapidly expanding use of information technology. Computers have traditionally been used in business, engineering and scientific applications, and now applications are found in almost all human activities from art to zoology. Computer science is both an applied and theoretical discipline, supported by the principles of science, engineering, and mathematics that has a direct and profound impact on the quality of life and society at large.

The Department of Computer Science offers four degrees: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS) and a Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS). The BSCS degree is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET. The Department also offers service courses to fulfill University core curriculum requirements, and computer science courses required for degree programs in engineering, science, and mathematics. Faculty conduct research in computer science, computer science education, and interdisciplinary fields, and contribute their professional service to student advising, mentoring, professional organizations, University activities, industrial interactions, and to the community through professional expertise.

The undergraduate curricula in computer science are based on the Association for Computing Machinery recommendations for curricula and reflect the goals of a liberal arts education. The graduate curricula provide advanced and specialized study in the areas of computer science. The curricula in computer science provide the student with marketable expertise to enter the computing, the skills and education required to adapt to the rapidly changing characteristic of the fields, and the foundation to pursue graduate study in computer science.