The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Department of Mechanical Engineering

The mechanical engineering curriculum provides a rigorous foundation for engineering practice in industrial and governmental organizations as well as for graduate studies in engineering. Mechanical engineers possess a broad technical background that enables them to work in virtually every industrial sector. They are concerned generally with computer aided design and analysis, development of energy systems and power generation, automated control of machines and vehicles, as well as materials design and processing. Mechanical engineers usually work closely with engineers having other specializations.

General Overview: The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers an ABET accredited Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering (BSME) and a Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering (MSME). 

Mission: The Department of Mechanical Engineering will provide students a quality education to prepare them for the practice of engineering, with sufficient depth to continue their education beyond the baccalaureate degree. The curriculum will provide skills that enhance the understanding of the applications of engineering sciences. In order to provide an awareness of current and emerging industrial practice, the department will provide the students the opportunity to participate in professional organizations, industrial internships or co-op experiences, and scholarly activities including supervised research. The faculty will be readily accessible and will continuously strive to improve their instructional materials and the methods of dissemination. The faculty will also practice lifelong learning by keeping abreast of and participating in the latest developments in their chosen areas of expertise and interacting across disciplines. The opportunity for the student success in the undergraduate programs will be enhanced by liberal access to the computational facilities and laboratories.