The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Department of Communication Disorders

The Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders seeks to enrich the lives of the people with communication and swallowing disorders by preparing professionals who are highly competent, compassionate, and ethical service providers who are equipped to work collaboratively with educational health, medical and social science disciplines; conduct transformative research to enrich the lives of persons with disorders of communication; and value meaningful engagement with the communities they serve.

The department houses three degree programs: the Bachelor of Science in American Sign Language (ASL) Interpretation; Bachelor of Science in Communication Sciences and Disorders (COMD); and Master of Science in Communication Sciences and Disorders. The B.S. in ASL Interpretation prepares students to become competent and ethical interpreters for the Deaf and hard-of-hearing communities. The B.S. in COMD is the preparatory degree for the M.S. in COMD, which is the terminal degree for becoming a nationally certified speech-language pathologist. The B.S. in COMD also prepares students who wish to become Texas-licensed speech-language pathology assistants (SLPAs). The department also offers a minor in American Sign Language Studies.

Facilities for Communication Sciences and Disorders are located on the east and west ends of the main floor of EHABW. The main office is EHABW 1.264 (east end) and the Speech and Hearing Center, a clinic that serves persons with various types of communication disorders, is located at the west end of the building at EHABW 1.206. Most COMD faculty offices are in EHABW 1.300. The administrative office for the ASL Interpretation program is EHABW 2.304 and the ASL Lab is in EHABW 2.110. ASLI faculty offices are located in EHABE 1.116.