The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Department of Health and Biomedical Sciences

The Department of Health & Biomedical Sciences offers several programs that provide an excellent education in the health and biomedical sciences, which are suited for careers in health and biomedical science professions, research, and education. Intellectual development of the student is enhanced using innovative tools such as technology assisted hybrid or online classes in addition to traditional face to face classes, team based and case study based interactive classes, laboratories, and hands on research experiences, food preparation labs, clinical labs and clinical site experiences. We believe in an integrated approach to education and research and the faculty and staff are committed to helping students succeed through mentoring and providing opportunities for research in their laboratories. Faculty research includes investigations in neuroscience, bioengineering, cancer biology, phylogenetics, medicinal plants, bone health and nutrition, chronic and infectious diseases, and medical/STEM education. We are committed to serving Rio Grande Valley through education, research, and service.