The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Hospitality and Tourism Management (Lodging Asset Ownership and Management), Bachelor of Science

CIP Code


The BS in Hospitality and Tourism Management will prepare students who are globally competitive to effectively and sustainably manage a hospitality business at the highest level of customer service. Students will also be able to develop, manage, and grow tourism to enhance the economic well-being of the communities in which they live. 

Core Curriculum – 42 Hours

The Core Curriculum serves as a broad foundation for the undergraduate degree. All candidates for a bachelor’s degree must achieve core student learning outcomes, including communication, critical thinking, empirical and quantitative skills, teamwork, personal responsibility and social responsibility, by completing courses within each category or component area of the Core Curriculum as outlined below.

The University has approved specific courses that satisfy Core Curriculum Requirements. Approved courses can be found on the Core Curriculum Page. Students seeking the most efficient way to complete the core curriculum and major or minor requirements are advised to take approved courses that can fulfill both requirements. Although core curriculum courses can also be used to fulfill major or minor requirements, earned credits hours are only applied once. The courses listed below fulfill core curriculum and major requirements. Students who have completed a core curriculum category with courses other than those listed below will still be required to take the listed course(s) to meet major requirements.

020 Mathematics – 3 hours

MATH 1324Mathematics for Business and Social Sciences


Students who completed this category thru transfer course or who have changed their  major to business will be allowed to apply MATH 1314 or MATH 1414 or MATH 2412 or MATH 2413 if it was passed with a ‘C’ or better

080 Social and Behavioral Sciences - 3 hours

ECON 2301Principles of Macroeconomics


Students who have taken another course in section 080 will still need to complete ECON 2301 with a ‘C' or better.

Major Requirements - 78 Hours

Required Courses - 60 hours

Business, Hospitality and Tourism Foundation – 21 hours

INFS 1001Computer Proficiency


ACCT 2301Introduction To Financial Accounting


ACCT 2302Introduction To Managerial Accounting


INFS 2300Data Modeling Management Tools


ECON 2302Principles of Microeconomics


HOST 1301Introduction to Hospitality & Toursim


HOST 2310Introduction to Food Preparation and Menu Plan


QUMT 2341Business Statistics I


INFS 1001 is a prerequisite for INFS 2300 and QUMT 2341. Students should email for more information. 

Before beginning Advanced Courses, review and submit your Application for Admission into VCoBE.

Advanced Business, Hospitality and Tourism Core - 18 hours

FINA 3380Introduction to Finance


HOST 3325Hospitality Law


HOST 3320International Travel & Tourism


INFS 3390Management Information Systems


MARK 3300Principles of Marketing


MGMT 3361Principles of Management


Hospitality and Tourism Management Foundation - 21 hours

HOST 3300Hospitality Practicum


HOST 3310Advanced Food Production and Service Management


HOST 3330Lodging Management


HOST 3350Hospitality Marketing Strategies


HOST 3360Hospitality Leadership and Supervision


HOST 3370Accounting and Financial Management for Hospitality


HOST 4390Hospitality Strategic Planning and Analysis


Prescribed Electives - 3 hours

Business Communication

Choose one:

COMM 3313Business and Technical Communication


MARK 3320Personal Branding and Communication


MGMT 3335Communication Policy and Strategy


Lodging Asset Ownership and Management Concentration - 15 hours


HOST 4330Advanced Lodging Management


HOST 4370Hospitality Analytics and Revenue Management


ENTR 3340New Venture Creation and Innovation


Choose two:

FINA 3384Fundamentals of Real Estate


FINA 3382Investment Principles


FINA 4300Topics in Finance


FINA 4350Introduction to Risk Management


Advanced Minimum Credit Hours: 42

Total Credit Hours: 120

Major Admissions Requirements

Admission requirements required for this program beyond university admission requirements. 

  1. Student must complete all 21 hours of Business, Hospitality and Tourism Foundation Courses, and a minimum of 33 credit hours in the Core Curriculum including ECON 2301, before applying to VCoBE.
  2. Grades of ‘C’ or better in all Business, Hospitality and Tourism Foundation courses.
  3. Grade of ‘C’ or better in ECON 2301.
  4. A minimum 2.6 GPA in the combined Core Curriculum, Business, Hospitality and Tourism Foundation and in any of the following completed advanced courses: MARK 3300, and MGMT 3361. This GPA calculation will include transfer coursework.
  5. All students pursuing a Bachelor’s degree from VCoBE, must apply for and be admitted to VCoBE before they are allowed to enroll in the Advanced Major coursework for their degree.

Major Progression Requirements

Progression requirements required for this program.

Students must earn a grade of ‘C’ or better in all advanced (3xxx-4xxx) BBA, BA, and BS-applicable courses in order to earn program credit towards this major. Students must maintain a minimum 2.5 Institutional GPA in degree plan.  

Major Graduation Requirements

Specific graduation requirements required for this program beyond university bachelor’s degree requirements.

  1. Grade of ‘C’ or better in ECON 2301.
  2. Grades of ‘C’ or better in all Business, Hospitality and Tourism Foundation courses.
  3. Students must earn a grade of ‘C’ or better in all advanced (3xxx-4xxx) BBA, BA, and BS-applicable courses.
  4. A minimum 2.5 Institutional GPA in the combined Business, Hospitality, and Tourism Foundation; Advanced Business, Hospitality and Tourisms Core; Hospitality and Tourism Management Foundation; Prescribed Electives and Lodging Asset Ownership Concentration coursework being used to satisfy degree requirements. 
  5. A minimum 2.5 Institutional GPA required for coursework being used to satisfy degree requirements.  
  6. Students must complete 600 hours of hospitality and tourism related internships through the HOST 3300 Hospitality Practicum course prior to graduation. All internships must be approved prior to beginning the internship.