The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

ELEE 6319 Microwave and Biomedical Imaging

The course topics will cover the fundamentals of biomedical and microwave imaging techniques, and the science and engineering behind the related sensors, instrumentation. The related image reconstruction algorithms and modeling techniques allow processing of 1-D signals, snapshots of in vivo physiology processes collected through various advanced sensors, to create 2-D/3-D images. The imaging technologies that will be discussed include: x-rays (CT scans), ultrasound, magnetism (MRI), and microwave imaging. Both Fourier transform algorithm and non-linear image reconstruction techniques will be discussed.




ELEE 3315 (Electromagnetics Engineering) or Equivalent Course Knowledge you should have by taking this course: Ordinary differential and integral equations.

Schedule Type


Grading Basis

Standard Letter (A-F)

Administrative Unit

Dept of Electr & Comp Enginr


As Scheduled