The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Social Work with a Concentration in Administration and Community Practice (MSSW) - 33 Hour Accelerated Online Program


The School of Social Work is committed to preparing entry-level generalist (BSWs) and advanced professional social workers (MSSWs) to meet the needs of a bi-national and multicultural community. The program has two concentrations: Direct Practice with Latino Individuals, Families and Groups, and Administration and Community Practice. The program emphasizes multicultural awareness, professional competence, ethical practice, knowledge building acquisition, and social services that promote social and economic justice in a bi-national environment.

This program is accelerated and is 100% online. A traditional version of the program is also available. Students are not allowed to alternate enrollment in accelerated and traditional program courses.

Program Goals and Objectives

The UTRGV MS in Social Work – Administration and Community Practice develops leaders with the advanced skills necessary to strengthen and improve human services within the Latino community.

Coursework in this degree is designed specifically to help students develop the leadership skills and commitment necessary for strengthening agencies and improving human services for at-risk Latino communities.

Develop clinical and macro assessment skills and understand the practice implications and characteristics of Latino populations, in order to serve the border region of South Texas and beyond. In this program, you will:

  • Learn how to work with diverse populations, including members of minority, vulnerable, at-risk and disenfranchised groups, including needs assessment and asset mapping
  • Study organizational administration, including human resource development, policy development, fundraising and project management
  • Gain advanced, real-world experience applying community organizing, social advocacy and social action mobilization practices during a 500-hour practicum in a field setting of your choice

At the completion of this degree program, you will be eligible to sit for exams to attain Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW) credentials.

Potential jobs for graduates include administrative or leadership roles in a social service organization, policy or advocacy organizations, or community action agencies

Admission Requirements

To be admitted to the graduate program in social work, prospective candidates must first meet all requirements for graduate admission to UT Rio Grande Valley, as well as the other requirements listed below:

  1. BSW from a CSWE accredited program
  2. 3.2 GPA or higher, in social work core undergraduate courses
  3. Three letters of recommendation
  4. Personal narrative statement
  5. Verified successful completion of a course in basic statistics
  6. Current Resume 

Application for admission must be submitted prior to the published deadline. The application is available at

Progression Requirements

Suspension/Dismissal Policy

The School of Social Work policy is the following: A student whose overall GPA drops below a 3.0 in any given semester is automatically placed on academic probation the following semester. Within the following nine semester credit hours, the overall GPA must return to 3.0 or the student will be dismissed from the program. If a student’s overall GPA drops below 3.0 resulting in being placed on academic probation a second time, the student will be automatically dismissed from the program.

  • If a student earns more than 2 Cs, regardless of the overall GPA, the student will be dismissed from the program.
  • If a student earns a third C in the final semester, the student will not meet the requirements for graduation from School of Social Work.
  • A student who earns an F in any course is automatically dismissed from the graduate program.
  • Any student dismissed from the program will not be eligible for re-admission to the program.

Program Requirements

Required Courses - 33 Hours

SOCW 6315Social Work with Diverse Populations


SOCW 6332Social Work Practice with Latinos


SOCW 6336Advanced Macro Assessment


SOCW 6340Advanced Social Work Practice with Organizations


SOCW 6341Advanced Social Work Practice with Communities


SOCW 6342Advanced Policy Analysis and Development


SOCW 6360Child Welfare


SOCW 6378Macro Practicum I


SOCW 6379Macro Practicum II


SOCW 6380Accountability and Evaluation in Macro Practice


SOCW 6397Spirituality and Social Work


Total Credit Hours: 33