The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Social Work with a Concentration in Direct Practice with Latino Individuals, Families and Groups, (MSSW) - 33 Hour Program

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The School of Social Work is committed to preparing entry-level generalist (BSWs) and advanced professional social workers (MSSWs) to meet the needs of a bi-national and multicultural community. The program has two concentrations: Direct Practice with Latino Individuals, Families and Groups, and Administration and Community Practice. The program emphasizes multicultural awareness, professional competence, ethical practice, knowledge building acquisition, and social services that promote social and economic justice in a bi-national environment.

The department implements the mission statement through the goals and objectives that guide the curriculum.

An accelerated online version of the program is also available. Students are not allowed to alternate enrollment in accelerated and traditional program courses.

Program Goals and Objectives

The UTRGV MS in Social Work – Direct Practice teaches evidence-based practices for working with at-risk populations with a focus on applicability to the Latino community.

Deepen your knowledge of advanced social work practice with individuals, families, and groups, including the therapeutic process, empowerment and strength perspectives, and clinical strategies for change.

Learn to apply evidence-based family therapy practice models for working with populations-at-risk, as well as critique family practice models with respect to their efficacy for work with Latinos.

In this program, you will:

  • Learn to develop treatment plans, establish therapeutic relationships, and apply intervention strategies
  • Understand how challenges such as discrimination and oppression limit the opportunities of minority, at risk, and disenfranchised groups; develop strategies for intervention and change.
  • Gain real-world experience applying intervention strategies with a 500-hour practicum in a field setting of your choice.

Potential job opportunities include:

  • family/children’s social services agency
  • working in mental health programs
  • working in health services organizations
  • working in substance abuse treatment centers

The social work master’s program seeks, as its major general objective, to prepare competent and effective social work professionals for advanced social work practice with Latino individuals and families who are guided by social work values and ethical principles.

Graduates are of the Master of Science in Social Work are expected to master the following core competencies as required by the Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards of the Council on Social Work Education:

  • Educational Policy 2.1.1- Identify as a professional social worker and conduct oneself accordingly
  • Educational Policy 2.1.2 – Apply ethical principles in practice
  • Educational Policy 2.1.3 - Apply critical thinking to inform and communicate professional judgments
  • Educational Policy 2.1.4 - Engage diversity and difference in practice
  • Educational Policy 2.1.5 - Advance human rights and social and economic justice
  • Educational Policy 2.1.6 - Engage in research-informed practice and practice-informed research.
  • Educational Policy 2.1.7 - Apply knowledge of human behavior and the social environment
  • Educational Policy 2.1.8 - Engage in policy practice to advance social and economic well-being and to deliver effective social work services.
  • Educational Policy 2.1.9 - Respond to contexts that shape practice.
  • Educational Policy 2.1.10(a)–(d) - Engage, assess, intervene, and evaluate with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities

The MSSW Curriculum 

The foundation curriculum consists of three hours of Introduction to Professional Social Work, nine hours of Generalist Social Work Practice, three hours of diversity, six hours of Human Behavior and the Social Environment, three hours of Research Design and Analysis, three hours of Social Welfare Policy, and six hours of Field Education.

The curriculum of the Direct Practice with Latino Individuals, Families and Groups concentration consists of six hours in Advanced Family Practice, three hours in Social Work Practice with Latinos, three hours in Advanced Clinical Assessment, three hours In Advanced Policy Analysis and Development, three hours in Advanced Practice with Individuals, three hours in Advanced Practice with Groups, six hours of Concentration Practicum, and three hours in electives.

The required courses are designed to provide the student with a multicultural background, emphasizing the important social issues in direct services to Latino individuals, families and groups or administrative and community practice. The degree program, administered by the School of Social Work, offers professional preparation for advanced social work practice. Graduates will have the opportunity to attain advanced analytical and practice skills sufficient for self-critical, accountable and autonomous practice.

Graduates of the Master of Science in Social Work will be eligible to take the state examination to become a licensed master social worker (LMSW's).

Admission Requirements

To be admitted to the graduate program, prospective candidates must first meet all requirements for graduate admission to UT Rio Grande Valley, as well as the other requirements listed below:

  1. Bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution in the United States or a recognized international equivalent in a similar or related field.
  2. Undergraduate GPA of at least 3.0.
  3. Three letters of recommendation
  4. Personal statement  detailing  professional  goals  and  reasons  for pursuing the graduate degree.
  5. Verified successful completion of a course in basic statistics
  6. Current Resume

Application for admission must be submitted prior to the published deadline. The application is available at

Advanced Standing

Applicants who possess a Bachelor of Social Work degree from a program accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) may qualify for advanced standing and receive a waiver of up to 30 hours of academic credit for professional foundation courses. The advanced standing curriculum consists of 33 hours. Applicants who wish to be considered for advanced standing must also meet the following admissions requirements:

  1. Clear admission to graduate study at UT Rio Grande Valley
  2. GPA of 3.2 or higher on a 4.0 scale in social work core undergraduate courses.

Admissions Committee Review

All applications will be reviewed by the Department of Social Work MSSW Program Admissions Committee. The committee is responsible for the selection of the individuals who are admitted into the master’s in social work degree program.

Progression Requirements

Suspension/Dismissal Policy

The School of Social Work policy is the following: A student whose overall GPA drops below a 3.0 in any given semester is automatically placed on academic probation the following semester. Within the following nine semester credit hours, the overall GPA must return to 3.0 or the student will be dismissed from the program. If a student’s overall GPA drops below 3.0 resulting in being placed on academic probation a second time, the student will be automatically dismissed from the program.

  • If a student earns more than 2 Cs, regardless of the overall GPA, the student will be dismissed from the program.
  • If a student earns a third C in the final semester, the student will not meet the requirements for graduation from School of Social Work.
  • A student who earns an F in any course is automatically dismissed from the graduate program.
  • Any student dismissed from the program will not be eligible for re-admission to the program.

Program Requirements

Required Courses - 24 Hours

SOCW 6315Social Work with Diverse Populations


SOCW 6330Advanced Family Practice I


SOCW 6331Advanced Family Practice II


SOCW 6332Social Work Practice with Latinos


SOCW 6335Advanced Clinical Assessment


SOCW 6342Advanced Policy Analysis and Development


SOCW 6350Advanced Social Work Practice with Individuals


SOCW 6351Advanced Social Work Practice with Groups


Electives - 3 Hours

Choose one from the following:

SOCW 6360Child Welfare


SOCW 6397Spirituality and Social Work


Capstone - 6 Hours

SOCW 6376Clinical Practicum I


SOCW 6377Clinical Practicum II


Total Credit Hours: 33