The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Kinesiology (Teacher Certification), Bachelor of Science

Program Overview

(Focus: EC – 12TH Grade Teacher Certification)

This program leads to a profession which requires an occupational license as defined under Texas Occupations Code 58.001 This requires that all applicants seeking to become licensed must undergo a criminal background check prior to licensure. Students in this program should check with the College of Education and P-16 Integration on the requirements for a criminal background check prior to student teaching.

The Department of Health and Human Performance has a focus on preparing Kinesiology majors to function professionally in a changing and diverse society, and to improve the quality of life through the understanding, delivering and promotion of health, physical activity, and wellness. 

Admission requirements for this program beyond university admission requirements. 

Teacher Education Requirements:

  • Admission to the Teacher Education Program at the Office of Educator Preparation and Accountability is required for completion of teacher certification requirements with the undergraduate degree. All admission requirements are in accordance to Texas Administrative Code rules §227.10 and the HEA Title II accountability requirements. All applicants must meet the current certification requirements in effect at the time of application, regardless of the catalog year of degree plan.

Progression requirements for this program.

  • Students must maintain a grade of ‘C’ or better must be maintained in advanced KINE coursework in the major degree requirements

Teacher Education Requirements:

  • Teacher Education Program progression requirements include GPA, course grades, certification courses, benchmarks/key assessments and testing.

Specific graduation requirements for this program beyond university bachelor’s degree requirements. 

  • Students must earn a GPA of 2.75 or greater in the major degree requirements. 
  • Students must earn a ‘C’ or better in all advanced KINE coursework in the major degree requirements. 


Core Curriculum – 42 hours

The Core Curriculum serves as a broad foundation for the undergraduate degree. All candidates for a bachelor’s degree must achieve core student learning outcomes, including communication, critical thinking, empirical and quantitative skills, teamwork, personal responsibility and social responsibility, by completing courses within each category or component area of the Core Curriculum as outlined below.

The University has approved specific courses that satisfy Core Curriculum Requirements. Approved courses can be found on the Core Curriculum Page. Students seeking the most efficient way to complete the core curriculum and major or minor requirements are advised to take approved courses that can fulfill both requirements. Although core curriculum courses can also be used to fulfill major or minor requirements, earned credits hours are only applied once.

The courses listed below fulfill core curriculum and major requirements. Students who have completed a core curriculum category with courses other than those listed below will still be required to take the listed course(s) to meet major requirements.

020 Mathematics - 3 hours

Choose one:
MATH 1342Elementary Statistical Methods


MATH 1343Introduction to Biostatistics


030 Life and Physical Science – 6 hours

BIOL 2401Anatomy and Physiology I


BIOL 2402Anatomy and Physiology II


BIOL 2401 and BIOL 2402 are given three hour credits for the lecture component.

080 Social and Behavioral Sciences – 3 hours

PSYC 2301General Psychology


090 Integrative and Experiential Learning - 6 hours

BIOL 2401Anatomy and Physiology I


BIOL 2402Anatomy and Physiology II


BIOL 2401 and BIOL 2402 are given one hour credit each for the lab component

Major Requirements – 39 hours

Required Courses

Kinesiology Core
KINE 1306First Aid and First Responder


KINE 1351Introduction to Sports and Exercise Science


KINE 2315Individual Sports


KINE 3314Teaching Movement Arts to Children and Adolescents


KINE 3315Advanced Sport Skills


KINE 3341Principles of Conditioning and Fitness


KINE 3353Physiology of Exercise I


KINE 4356Motor Development


KINE 3370Biomechanics


KINE 4310Measurement Techniques in Physical Education and Sport


KINE 4351Adapted Kinesiology


KINE 4302Kinesiology Curriculum for Elementary Students


KINE 4309Kinesiology Curriculum for Secondary School Students


Minor - hours will vary

Students must complete a minor in teaching field offered by the UTRGV Educator Preparation Program. For more information regarding approved certification fields, the student should consult the College of Education and P-16 Integration and the Department of Health and Human Performance. 

Minors vary in credit hours required. If applicable, the credit hours in the minor selected may impact the number of free electives required to reach the 120 credit hours needed to earn a bachelor’s degree.

Teacher Certification – 27 hours

Area of Certification: Physical Education (EC-12)

EDFR 2301Intercultural Context of Schooling


EDUC 3301The Teaching Profession and Student Learning in Contemporary Schools


EDUC 3302Knowledge of Student Development and Learning


EDUC 3304Instructional Planning and Assessment in Culturally Sustaining Classrooms


EDUC 3306Evidence-Based Teaching in Positive Learning Environments


EDUC 4306Implementing and Assessing Effective Secondary Content Pedagogy


READ 4305Disciplinary Literacy in the Classroom


EDUC 4611Student Teaching Secondary or All-Level


Advanced Minimum Credit Hours: 42

Total Credit Hours: 126