MATH 6361 Partial Differential Equations

This course considers waves and diffusion, initial value problems for hyperbolic and parabolic equations, boundary value problems for elliptic equations. Topics include: first-order equations: characteristic ODEs, local existence of smooth solutions, conservation law equations, shocks, rarefaction, integral solutions; second-order partial differentail equations and clssification; Wave equation: fundamental solutions in one, two and three dimensions, Duhamel's principle, energy methods, finite propagation speed; Laplace equation: mean-value property, smoothness, maximum principle, uniqueness of solutions, Hamack inequality, Liouville theorem; Poisson Equation: fundamental solution, Greens functions, energy methods. Heat Equation: fundamental solution, maximum principle, uniqueness of solutions on a bounded domain, energy methods.




MATH 3341 Differential Equations with a grade of ?C? or higher, or consent of instructor.

Schedule Type


Grading Basis

Standard Letter (A-F)

Administrative Unit

School of Mathematical & Stat


As scheduled