
Voluntary Withdrawal

Withdrawal is a permanent and voluntary termination of studies instituted by the medical student. Students wishing to withdraw must submit a written request to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. The request must include the reason(s) for withdrawal and an acknowledgment that the student understands that withdrawal is voluntary and permanent. In addition to the written request, it is advised that the student meet with the Director of Student Services. A student who has withdrawn will have to reapply to UTRGV SOPM if he/she decides to return.

Involuntary Withdrawal

The PMSEPC may recommend a student withdraws from the podiatric medicine education program.

Withdrawal in this sense would be permanent termination of studies as a result of failure to demonstrate adequate progress related to academics or professional conduct at any point in the curriculum. Details about recommendations of withdrawal are found under policies related to Student Promotion, Evaluation, and Remediation.