Undergraduate Graduation Requirements


Upon graduation, a student receiving a bachelor’s degree may meet criteria to graduate with Latin Honors based on the final institutional GPA earned. Only courses completed at UTRGV will be used to determine eligibility for graduation with Latin honors based on the following final institutional GPA ranges:

Summa Cum Laude

GPA of 3.9 to 4.0

Magna Cum Laude

GPA of 3.7 to 3.89

Cum Laude

GPA of 3.5 to 3.69

Bachelor's degree candidates who have attempted and completed at least 45 semester hours in residence at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley qualify to earn Latin honors based on the above GPA ranges. 

Students earning a second bachelor’s degree are eligible for Latin honors if they complete a minimum of 45 semester credit hours in residence in addition to the hours required and previously earned for the first degree. No duplication of hours from a previous degree can be used toward the 45-hour requirement. 

Honors are listed in the commencement program and announced at commencement ceremonies based on a student’s GPA following the last semester completed, and prior to completion of his/her last semester of coursework. A Latin honors listing in the commencement program does not guarantee graduation with Latin honors upon calculation of the institutional GPA after the student’s last semester has been completed. Latin honors officially achieved based on final grades are noted on undergraduate diplomas based on the final institutional GPA, as well as on students' official transcripts. 


To fulfill Honors College requirements and graduate with Honors College recognition, students may choose to follow one of several different coursework tracks during their time in the program (for details about these tracks, please visit the Honors College website. The Honors College strives to allow students to move through the program by taking as few courses outside their major degree plans as possible. Some honors courses allow Honors students to fulfill university core requirements within the Honors College. Finally, Honors College graduates must have a total GPA of 3.5 or higher and must successfully complete all requirements under their chosen track.

Students who graduate as Honors Scholars will have this designation recorded on their transcripts. They will also have the distinction of wearing an Honors Medallion and Stole at graduation.


The B3 Scholar Seal develops undergraduate students’ bilingualism, biculturalism, and biliteracy through relevant coursework and formally acknowledges these skills through a certificate program. To fulfill the B3 Scholar Seal requirements and graduate with the B3 Scholar Seal, students complete courses that are taught in Spanish or bilingually, as well as courses that incorporate culturally relevant pedagogy. Students also have the option of completing two Spanish classes as part of the Seal requirements. For details about these tracks, visit the B3 Scholar Seal website. Students must also complete all degree requirements to receive the B3 Scholar Seal.

Students who graduate as B3 Scholars will have this designation recorded on their transcripts. They will also have the distinction recognized upon graduation and receive a certificate which will be provided after the degree is awarded.


The degree requirements that must be completed for graduation will be those in effect at the time the student begins his/her college career or, in some cases, those provided in a subsequent catalog year during which the student was enrolled. In any case, the catalog used to determine the degree requirements must not be more than seven years old. Students who do not complete degree requirements by the end of the expiration year will be moved to a subsequent catalog year. Any changes in the degree plan must be approved by the department chair and the dean of the college. Students must be enrolled in at least one course in the catalog year under which they will graduate.