The Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Dance provides a strong foundation in dance theory and techniques. Students in the BA in Dance have flexibility to explore courses outside of the dance major. Through this program, students will gain an in-depth understanding of dance and performance techniques with the flexibility to pursue studies in other areas of interest.
Admission requirements for this program beyond university admission requirements.
Progression requirements for this program.
Specific graduation requirements for this program beyond university bachelor’s degree requirements.
Core Curriculum – 42 hours
The Core Curriculum serves as a broad foundation for the undergraduate degree. All candidates for a bachelor’s degree must achieve core student learning outcomes, including communication, critical thinking, empirical and quantitative skills, teamwork, personal responsibility and social responsibility, by completing courses within each category or component area of the Core Curriculum as outlined below.
The University has approved specific courses that satisfy Core Curriculum Requirements. Approved courses can be found on the Core Curriculum Page. Students seeking the most efficient way to complete the core curriculum and major or minor requirements are advised to take approved courses that can fulfill both requirements. Although core curriculum courses can also be used to fulfill major or minor requirements, earned credits hours are only applied once.
The courses listed below fulfill core curriculum and major requirements. Students who have completed a core curriculum category with courses other than those listed below will still be required to take the listed course(s) to meet major requirements.
050 Creative Arts – 3 hours
Select any Creative Arts course except DANC 2323 Dance Appreciation.
Major Requirements - 53 hours
Dance Core - 31 hours
Choose 2 hours from one or a combination of the following repeatable courses:
DANC 2112 | Dance Performance: Beginning/Intermediate | 1 |
DANC 3112 | Dance Performance: Intermediate/Advanced | 1 |
Prescribed Electives / Technique Courses - 22 hours
Contemporary Dance Foundations - 5 hours
DANC 2246 | Foundations in Contemporary Dance - Two Credit Hour | 2 |
DANC 2345 | Foundations in Contemporary Dance - Three Credit Hour | 3 |
Additional Foundation Courses – 5 hours
Students must complete a minimum of 5 credit hours from one of the following Foundation groups: Ballet, Mexican Folklorico Dance, or Spanish Dance.
Ballet Foundations
DANC 2242 | Ballet Foundations - Two Credit Hour | 2 |
DANC 2341 | Ballet Foundations - Three Credit Hour | 3 |
Mexican Folkorico Dance Foundations
DANC 2250 | Foundations in Mexican Folklorico Dance - Two Credit Hour | 2 |
DANC 2349 | Foundations in Mexican Folklorico Dance - Three Credit Hour | 3 |
Spanish Dance Foundations
DANC 2254 | Foundations in Spanish Dance - Two Credit Hour | 2 |
DANC 2353 | Foundations in Spanish Dance - Three Credit Hour | 3 |
Intermediate or Advanced Contemporary Dance or Ballet - 2 or 7 hours
Students must complete 2 hours of intermediate (3000) or advanced (4000) Contemporary Dance or Ballet.
To enroll in intermediate (3000) or advanced (4000) Contemporary Dance, students must first complete DANC 2246 and DANC 2345.
To enroll in intermediate (3000) or advanced (4000) Ballet, students must first complete DANC 2242 and DANC 2341.
Students need departmental approval to enroll in 4000 level Contemporary Dance or Ballet courses.
Contemporary Dance - 2 hours
Choose from:
DANC 3246 | Intermediate Contemporary Dance - Two Credit Hour | 2 |
DANC 3345 | Intermediate Contemporary Dance - Three Credit Hour | 3 |
DANC 4246 | Advanced Contemporary Dance - Two Credit Hour | 2 |
DANC 4345 | Advanced Contemporary Dance - Three Credit Hour | 3 |
Ballet - 7 hours
Complete the following:
DANC 2242 | Ballet Foundations - Two Credit Hour | 2 |
DANC 2341 | Ballet Foundations - Three Credit Hour | 3 |
Choose one from the following:
DANC 3242 | Intermediate Ballet - Two Credit Hour | 2 |
DANC 3341 | Intermediate Ballet - Three Credit Hour | 3 |
DANC 4242 | Advanced Ballet - Two Credit Hour | 2 |
DANC 4341 | Advanced Ballet - Three Credit Hour | 3 |
Additional Techniques – 5 or 10 hours
All students should consult with the technique faculty advisor when selecting additional dance technique courses.
Students will need department approval to enroll in intermediate or advanced courses for which they have not taken at least 5 credits of corresponding foundation courses.
DANC 3246 | Intermediate Contemporary Dance - Two Credit Hour | 2 |
DANC 3345 | Intermediate Contemporary Dance - Three Credit Hour | 3 |
DANC 4246 | Advanced Contemporary Dance - Two Credit Hour | 2 |
DANC 4345 | Advanced Contemporary Dance - Three Credit Hour | 3 |
DANC 2242 | Ballet Foundations - Two Credit Hour | 2 |
DANC 2341 | Ballet Foundations - Three Credit Hour | 3 |
DANC 3242 | Intermediate Ballet - Two Credit Hour | 2 |
DANC 3341 | Intermediate Ballet - Three Credit Hour | 3 |
DANC 4242 | Advanced Ballet - Two Credit Hour | 2 |
DANC 4341 | Advanced Ballet - Three Credit Hour | 3 |
DANC 2244 | Ballet Technique: Pointe I | 2 |
DANC 3244 | Ballet Technique: Pointe II | 2 |
DANC 2250 | Foundations in Mexican Folklorico Dance - Two Credit Hour | 2 |
DANC 2349 | Foundations in Mexican Folklorico Dance - Three Credit Hour | 3 |
DANC 3250 | Intermediate Mexican Folklorico Dance - Two Credit Hour | 2 |
DANC 3349 | Intermediate Mexican Folklorico Dance - Three Credit Hour | 3 |
DANC 4250 | Advanced Mexican Folklorico Dance - Two Credit Hour | 2 |
DANC 4349 | Advanced Mexican Folklorico Dance - Three Credit Hour | 3 |
DANC 2254 | Foundations in Spanish Dance - Two Credit Hour | 2 |
DANC 2353 | Foundations in Spanish Dance - Three Credit Hour | 3 |
DANC 3254 | Intermediate Spanish Dance - Two Credit Hour | 2 |
DANC 3353 | Intermediate Spanish Dance - Three Credit Hour | 3 |
DANC 4254 | Advanced Spanish Dance - Two Credit Hour | 2 |
DANC 4353 | Advanced Spanish Dance - Three Credit Hour | 3 |
DANC 2220 | Jazz Dance I | 2 |
DANC 3220 | Jazz Dance II | 2 |
Free Electives - 25 hours
Students must select electives from any subject except DANC.
Advanced Minimum Credit Hours: 42
UTRGV Roadmaps are a suggested sequence of courses designed to assist students in completing their undergraduate degree requirements. This is a term-by-term sample roadmap of courses required to complete the degree. Students must satisfy all requirements in their catalog including, but not limited to course prerequisites, grade point average and course grade benchmarks, progression requirements, and graduation requirements.
Students should meet with their academic advisor every semester to discuss their individualized path toward completion. Degree progress within this roadmap depends upon such factors as course availability, individual student academic preparation and readiness, student time management, work and personal responsibilities, and financial considerations. Students may choose to take courses during summer terms to reduce course loads during long semesters.