The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

TCCNS 2019

Texas Common Course Number UTRGV Course Number
ACCT2301 Principles of Financial Accounting ACCT 2301 Introduction To Financial Accounting
ACCT2302 Principles of Managerial Accounting ACCT 2302 Introduction To Managerial Accounting
ANTH2302 Introduction to Archeology ANTH 2302 Introduction to Archeology
ANTH2351 Cultural Anthropology ANTH 2351 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
ARTS1301 Art Appreciation ARTS 1301 Art Appreciation
ARTS1303 Art History I (Prehistoric to the 14th Century) ARTS 1303 Art History I, Prehistoric to the 14th-Century
ARTS1304 Art History II (14th Century to the Present) ARTS 1304 Art History II, 14th-Century to the Present
ARTS1311 Design I (2-Dimensional) ARTS 1311 Design I
ARTS1312 Design II (3-Dimensional) ARTS 1312 Design II
ARTS1316 Drawing I ARTS 1316 Drawing I
ARTS1317 Drawing II ARTS 1317 Drawing II
ARTS2313 Design Communications I ARTS 2313 Design Communications I
ARTS2316 Painting I ARTS 2316 Painting I
ARTS2317 Painting II ARTS 2317 Painting II
ARTS2326 Sculpture I ARTS 2326 Sculpture I
ARTS2333 Printmaking I ARTS 2333 Printmaking I
ARTS2341 Art Metals I ARTS 2341 Beginning Jewelry/Metalworking
ARTS2346 Ceramics I ARTS 2346 Ceramics I
ARTS2347 Ceramics II ARTS 2347 Ceramics II
ARTS2348 Digital Art I ARTS 2348 Digital Media
ARTS2356 Photography I (Fine Arts emphasis) ARTS 2356 Photography I
ARTS2357 Photography II (Fine Arts emphasis) ARTS 2357 Photography II
ASTR1403 Stars and Galaxies ASTR 1402 Introduction to Astronomy II
ASTR1404 Solar System ASTR 1401 Introduction to Astronomy I
BCIS1305 Business Computer Applications INFS 1301 Computer Information Systems
BIOL1108 Biology for Non-Science Major I (lab) BIOL 1108 Biological Concepts I Lab
BIOL1109 Biology for Non-Science Major II (lab) BIOL 1109 Biological Concepts II Lab
BIOL1308 Biology for Non-Science Majors I (lecture) BIOL 1308 Biological Concepts I for Non-Majors
BIOL1309 Biology for Non-Science Majors II (lecture) BIOL 1309 Biological Concepts II for Non-Majors
BIOL1322 Nutrition & Diet Therapy BIOL 1322 Human Nutrition
BIOL1406 Biology for Science Major I (lecture + lab) BIOL 1406 General Biology I
BIOL1407 Biology for Science Major II (lecture + lab) BIOL 1407 General Biology II
BIOL2401 Anatomy & Physiology I (lecture + lab) BIOL 2401 Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL2402 Anatomy & Physiology II (lecture + lab) BIOL 2402 Anatomy and Physiology II
BUSI1301 Business Principles MGMT 1301 Introduction to Business
CHEM1105 Introductory Chemistry Laboratory I (lab) CHEM 1105 Introductory Chemistry I Lab
CHEM1109 General Chemistry for Engineering Majors (lab) CHEM 1109 Chemistry for Engineers Lab
CHEM1111 General Chemistry I (lab) CHEM 1111 General Chemistry I Lab
CHEM1112 General Chemistry II (lab) CHEM 1112 General Chemistry II Lab
CHEM1305 Introductory Chemistry I (lecture) CHEM 1305 Introductory Chemistry I
CHEM1309 General Chemistry for Engineering Majors (lecture) CHEM 1309 Chemistry for Engineers
CHEM1311 General Chemistry I (lecture) CHEM 1311 General Chemistry I
CHEM1312 General Chemistry II (lecture) CHEM 1312 General Chemistry II
CHEM2123 Organic Chemistry I (lab) CHEM 2123 Organic Chemistry I Lab
CHEM2125 Organic Chemistry II (lab) CHEM 2125 Organic Chemistry II Lab
CHEM2323 Organic Chemistry I (lecture) CHEM 2323 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM2325 Organic Chemistry II (lecture) CHEM 2325 Organic Chemistry II
CHIN2311 Intermediate Chinese I CHIN 2311 Intermediate Chinese I
COMM1307 Introduction to Mass Communication COMM 1307 Introduction to Mass Communication
COMM1336 Video Production I COMM 1336 Television Production
COMM1336 Video Production I THTF 1336 Introduction to Film & Video Production
COMM2331 Radio/Television Announcing COMM 2331 Radio/Television Announcing
COMM2366 Introduction to Cinema THTF 2366 Cinema Appreciation
COSC1301 Introduction to Computing CSCI 1301 Introduction to Computing
COSC1336 Programming Fundamentals I CMPE 1370 Engineering Computer Science I
COSC1336 Programming Fundamentals I CSCI 1370 Engineering Computer Science I
COSC1336 Programming Fundamentals I CSCI 1380 Computer Science I
COSC2325 Computer Organization CSCI 2333 Computer Organization and Assembly Language
COSC2336 Programming Fundamentals III CSCI 2380 Computer Science II
CRIJ1301 Introduction to Criminal Justice CRIJ 1301 Introduction to the Criminal Justice System
CRIJ1306 Court Systems & Practices CRIJ 1306 Court Systems and Practices
CRIJ1307 Crime in America CRIJ 1307 Crime in America
CRIJ1313 Juvenile Justice System CRIJ 1313 Juvenile Justice System
CRIJ2313 Correctional Systems & Practices CRIJ 2313 Correctional Systems and Practices
CRIJ2328 Police Systems & Practices CRIJ 2328 Police Systems and Practices
DANC1241 Beginning Ballet DANC 1241 Introduction to Ballet Technique I
DANC1245 Beginning Modern Dance DANC 1245 Introduction to Modern Dance Technique I
DANC2303 Dance Appreciation DANC 2323 Dance Appreciation
DRAM1310 Introduction to Theater THTF 1310 Theatre Appreciation
DRAM1330 Stagecraft I THTF 1330 Stagecraft
DRAM1341 Makeup THTF 1341 Makeup
DRAM1342 Introduction to Costume THTF 1342 Costume Technology
DRAM1351 Acting I THTF 1351 Acting I
DRAM1352 Acting II THTF 1352 Acting II
ECON1301 Introduction to Economics ECON 1301 Introduction to Economics
ECON2301 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 2301 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON2302 Principles of Microeconomics ECON 2302 Principles of Microeconomics
EDUC1301 Introduction to the Teaching Profession EDUC 1301 Introduction to the Teaching Profession
ENGL1301 Composition I ENGL 1301 Rhetoric and Composition I
ENGL1302 Composition II ENGL 1302 Rhetoric and Composition II
ENGL2321 British Literature (single-semester course) ENGL 2321 Introduction to British Literature
ENGL2326 American Literature (single-semester course) ENGL 2326 Introduction to American Literature
ENGL2331 World Literature (single-semester course) ENGL 2331 Introduction to World Literature
ENGL2341 Forms of Literature (1 semester course) ENGL 2341 Introduction to Literature
ENGL2351 Mexican-American Literature ENGL 2351 Introduction to Mexican American Literature
ENGR1201 Introduction to Engineering ENGR 1201 Introduction to Engineering
ENGR1204 Engineering Graphics I MECE 1221 Engineering Graphics
ENGR1304 Engineering Graphics I ENGR 1304 Engineering Graphics I
ENGR2105 Electrical Circuits I Laboratory ELEE 2105 Electric Circuits I Lab
ENGR2105 Electrical Circuits I Laboratory ENGR 2105 Linear Circuits Lab
ENGR2301 Engineering Mechanics-Statics ENGR 2301 Engineering Mechanics I: Statics
ENGR2301 Engineering Mechanics-Statics MECE 2301 Statics
ENGR2302 Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics ENGR 2302 Engineering Mechanics II: Dynamics
ENGR2302 Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics MECE 2302 Dynamics
ENGR2305 Electrical Circuits I ELEE 2305 Electric Circuits I
ENGR2305 Electrical Circuits I ENGR 2305 Linear Circuits
ENGR2308 Engineering Economics ENGR 2308 Engineering Economics
ENGR2332 Mechanics of Materials ENGR 2332 Mechanics of Materials
ENGT2307 Engineering Materials I for Engineering Technology (lecture + lab) ENGT 2307 Engineering Materials
ENGT2310 Introduction to Manufacturing Processes ENGT 2310 Manufacturing Processes
ENVR1401 Environmental Science I (lecture + lab) ENVR 1401 Introduction to Environmental Science I
ENVR1402 Environmental Science II (lecture + lab) ENVR 1402 Introduction to Environmental Science II
FREN2311 Intermediate French I FREN 2311 Intermediate French I
FREN2312 Intermediate French II FREN 2312 Intermediate French II
GEOG1301 Physical Geography GEOG 1301 Physical Geography
GEOG1303 World Regional Geography GEOG 1303 World Regional Geography
GEOL1345 Oceanography (lecture) GEOL 1345 Introduction to Oceanography
GEOL1401 Earth Sciences for Non-Science Majors I (lecture and lab) GEOL 1401 Earth Sciences I
GEOL1403 Physical Geology (lecture and lab) GEOL 1403 Physical Geology
GEOL1404 Historical Geology (lecture and lab) GEOL 1404 Historical Geology
GERM2311 Intermediate German I GERM 2311 Intermediate German I
GERM2312 Intermediate German II GERM 2312 Intermediate German II
GOVT2305 Federal Government (Federal Const & Topics) POLS 2305 U.S. Federal Government & Politics
GOVT2306 Texas Government (Texas Const & Topics) POLS 2306 Texas Government & Politics
HIST1301 United States History I HIST 1301 U.S. History I
HIST1302 United States History II HIST 1302 U.S. History II
HIST2321 World Civilizations I HIST 2321 World History I
HIST2322 World Civilizations II HIST 2322 World History II
HIST2327 Mexican-American History I HIST 2327 Mexican American History I
HIST2327 Mexican-American History I MASC 2327 Mexican American History I
HIST2328 Mexican-American History II HIST 2328 Mexican American History II
HIST2328 Mexican-American History II MASC 2328 Mexican American History II
KORE2311 Intermediate Korean I KORN 2311 Intermediate Korean I
MATH1314 College Algebra (3 SCH version) MATH 1314 College Algebra
MATH1324 Math for Business & Social Sciences MATH 1324 Mathematics for Business and Social Sciences
MATH1325 Calculus for Business & Social Sciences MATH 1325 Calculus for Business and Social Sciences
MATH1332 Contemporary Mathematics (Quantitative Reasoning) MATH 1332 Mathematics for Liberal Arts
MATH1342 Elementary Statistical Methods (3 SCH version, freshman level) MATH 1342 Elementary Statistical Methods
MATH1350 Mathematics for Teachers I (Fundamentals of Mathematics I) MATH 1350 Fundamentals of Mathematics I
MATH1351 Mathematics for Teachers II (Fundamentals of Mathematics II) MATH 1351 Fundamentals of Mathematics II
MATH1414 College Algebra (4 SCH version) MATH 1414 College Algebra
MATH2305 Discrete Mathematics MATH 2305 Discrete Mathematics
MATH2318 Linear Algebra MATH 2318 Linear Algebra
MATH2321 Differential Equations & Linear Algebra MATH 2321 Differential Equations and Linear Algebra
MATH2412 Pre-Calculus Math (4 SCH version) MATH 2412 Precalculus
MATH2413 Calculus I MATH 2413 Calculus I
MATH2414 Calculus II MATH 2414 Calculus II
MATH2415 Calculus III MATH 2415 Calculus III
MUSI1116 Sight Singing & Ear Training I MUSI 1116 Sight Singing and Ear Training I
MUSI1117 Sight Singing & Ear Training II MUSI 1117 Sight Singing and Ear Training II
MUSI1157 Opera Workshop MUEN 1143 Opera Workshop
MUSI1183 Voice Class MUSI 1183 Vocal Methods
MUSI1188 Percussion Class MUSI 1188 Percussion Methods
MUSI1192 Guitar Class MUSI 1192 Guitar Methods
MUSI1306 Music Appreciation MUSI 1306 Music Appreciation
MUSI1310 American Music MUSI 1310 History of Rock
MUSI2116 Sight Singing & Ear Training III MUSI 2116 Sight Singing and Ear Training III
MUSI2117 Sight Singing & Ear Training IV MUSI 2117 Sight Singing and Ear Training IV
PHED1164 Introduction to Physical Fitness & Wellness KINE 1164 Introduction to Fitness and Sport
PHED1301 Foundations of Kinesiology KINE 1351 Introduction to Sports and Exercise Science
PHED1306 First Aid KINE 1306 First Aid and First Responder
PHIL1301 Introduction to Philosophy PHIL 1301 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL1304 Introduction to World Religions PHIL 1304 World Religions
PHIL2303 Introduction to Formal Logic PHIL 1340 Introduction to Logic
PHIL2306 Introduction to Ethics PHIL 2306 Introduction to Ethics
PHYS1401 College Physics I (lecture + lab) PHYS 1401 General Physics I
PHYS1402 College Physics II (lecture + lab) PHYS 1402 General Physics II
PHYS1405 Elementary Physics I (lecture + lab) PHYS 1425 Physics of Sound and Music
PHYS1410 Elementary Physics (1 semester course, lecture + lab) PHYS 1430 Elementary Physics Through Video Games
PHYS1415 Physical Science I (lecture + lab) PSCI 1421 Physical Science I
PHYS1417 Physical Science II (lecture + lab) PSCI 1422 Physical Science II
PHYS2125 University Physics Laboratory I (lab) PHYS 2125 Physics for Scientists and Engineers I Lab
PHYS2126 University Physics Laboratory II (lab) PHYS 2126 Physics for Scientists and Engineers II Lab
PHYS2325 University Physics I (lecture) PHYS 2325 Physics for Scientists and Engineers I
PHYS2326 University Physics II (lecture) PHYS 2326 Physics for Scientists and Engineers II
PHYS2425 University Physics I (lecture + lab) PHYS 2425 Physics for Scientists and Engineers I
PHYS2426 University Physics II (lecture + lab) PHYS 2426 Physics for Scientists and Engineers II
PSYC2301 General Psychology PSYC 2301 General Psychology
PSYC2317 Statistical Methods in Psychology PSYC 2302 Basic Statistics for Psychologists
SGNL1301 Beginning American Sign Language I ASLI 1310 American Sign Language I
SGNL1302 Beginning American Sign Language II ASLI 1320 American Sign Language II
SOCI1301 Introductory Sociology SOCI 1301 Introduction to Sociology
SOCI1306 Social Problems SOCI 1323 Social Problems
SOCW2361 Introduction to Social Work SOCW 2361 Introduction to the Social Work Profession
SOCW2362 Social Welfare as a Social Institution SOCW 2362 The Social Welfare Institution
SPAN2311 Intermediate Spanish I (3rd semester Spanish) SPAN 2311 Intermediate Spanish I for Non-Native Speakers
SPAN2312 Intermediate Spanish II (4th semester Spanish) SPAN 2312 Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN2313 Spanish for Native/Heritage Speakers I SPAN 2313 Spanish for Heritage Language Learners II
SPAN2315 Spanish for Native/Heritage Speakers II SPAN 2315 Spanish for Heritage Language Learners III
SPAN2389 Academic Cooperative SPAN 2389 Academic Cooperative (English/Spanish Translation)
SPCH1311 Introduction to Speech Communication COMM 1311 Introduction to Communication
SPCH1315 Public Speaking COMM 1315 Public Speaking
SPCH1318 Interpersonal Communication COMM 1318 Interpersonal Communication
SPCH2333 Discussion & Small Group Communication COMM 2333 Small Group Communication
SPCH2335 Argumentation & Debate COMM 2335 Argumentation and Debate