The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Counseling Center

The UTRGV Counseling Center is a place that provides free and confidential counseling services to address mental health concerns and to promote personal growth for currently enrolled UTRGV students. Counseling services are provided by either licensed mental health professionals or graduate-level interns under the supervision of a licensed counselor.

Students being seen for counseling may work on a wide variety of issues. Examples include Stress, Family Problems, Depression, Sexual Assault, Anxiety, Abuse, Eating Disorders, Grief/Loss, Self-Esteem, Anger Management, Sexuality, Parenting, Divorce, Academic Difficulties, Harassment, Partner/Relationship Problems, Suicidal Ideation, Domestic Violence, Health Issues, Post-Traumatic Stress, Substance Abuse, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. In some cases, such as with more severe or complex conditions, a student may be referred out for additional or more appropriate treatment options.

Below is a list of resources that the Counseling Center offers to students:

Telemental health counseling:  Secure and confidential online individual, couples, and group therapy is available. Tele-health mental health counseling sessions are held over a HIPPA compliant ZOOM platform to protect privacy. To make an appointment or for more information, call 956-665-2574, 956-882-3897or send us an email to:

In-person counseling: Students are also welcomed to make an appointment to be seen in person on either the Edinburg campus or the Brownsville campus. Certain protocols may need to be followed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Students can call our center for more information on current protocols and to make an appointment.

Vaqueros Crisis Line: YOU ARE NOT ALONE. 24/7 confidential assistance over the phone when you are in acute emotional crisis can be accessed by calling 956-665-5555.

Social Media: For current information on mental health matters and general wellness, find our Counseling Center on Instagram @UTRGVCOUNSELINGCENTER.

My Student Support Program (MySSP): MySSP is 24/7 real-time support resources (counseling/case management) for students who are out of the state or out of the country. Visit for more information and access the service through one of the following options:

  • Download the free My SSP app from the Apple Store or Google Play
  • Call 1-866-743-7732 (Outside US or Canada call 001-416-380-6578*) International charges may apply

Thrive at UT: Thrive is a free wellness self-help app specifically developed for college students. Search “Thrive at UT” in the Apple Store or Google Play. Once downloaded, select “UTRGV” as your home campus to unlock the app tailored to this university.

Therapist Assisted Online (TAO): TAO is a private online library of behavioral health resources that includes interactive tools to help students understand and manage their mood and life stressors. Visit:

UTRGV Counseling Center - Brownsville

One West University Blvd.

BSTUN, Rm. 21.10

Brownsville, TX 78520

Phone: 956-882-3897


UTRGV Counseling Center - Edinburg

1201 West University Dr. 


Edinburg, TX 78539

Phone: 956-665-2574