The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

UTRGV Collegiate Recovery Program

The Collegiate Recovery Program (CRP) offers services to help students work through the process of recovery from addiction/substance use disorder or other addictive behaviors. It is an opportunity to find support by connecting with fellow students who are also going through recovery. It is also a way to connect with professional help if needed. The CRP hosts online support groups and other programs to assist students in the process of recovery from addictions.

BASICS and CASICS are judgement-free programs designed to assist students in learning more about their use of alcohol or marijuana.

If interested in any of these services or for more information call 956-665-2674 or email:

UTRGV Collegiate Recovery Program
One West University Blvd.
BSTUN, Rm. 2.10
Brownsville, TX 78520
Phone: 956-882-7283
1201 West University Dr. University Center, Rm. 102
Edinburg, TX 78539
Phone: 956-665-2674