The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Rights and Responsibilities of Students

The Student Rights and Responsibilities office educates students of their rights and responsibilities as community members, to help them understand the balance between individual and community rights, and to foster a community atmosphere conducive to academic success. Our goal is to create a learning environment that ensures a fair and objective process that upholds behavioral and academic standards expressed in the student code of conduct. Staff members are also trained to assist students with the resolution of complaints and with assistance in filing grievances.

Vaqueros Report It! ( are online forms that can be used to report any behaviors of concern that occur involving UTRGV students, whether these behaviors occur inside or outside of the classroom setting, on or off-campus. Reportable behaviors may include Student Code of Conduct concerns, Academic Integrity violations, Sexual Harassment or Sexual Misconduct or concerns about student well-being. In addition, this form can be used for students to report complaints about UTRGV faculty, staff or departments.

Student Rights and Responsibilities
One West University Blvd. Cortez Hall, Rm. 204 Brownsville, TX 78520 Phone: 956-882-5141 1201 West University Dr. University Center, Rm. 315 Edinburg, TX 78539
Phone: 956-665-5375