The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Economics (Minor Required), Bachelor of Arts

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An economics degree opens the door to a wide range of career opportunities in finance, research and analysis, and also business and public affairs. A degree in economics can also take you even further to pursue a graduate education, from law school to public administration. Whatever your strengths may be, an economics degree will help you join the debate, prepare for a career, and succeed in your future.

Core Curriculum – 42 Hours

The Core Curriculum serves as a broad foundation for the undergraduate degree. All candidates for a bachelor’s degree must achieve core student learning outcomes, including communication, critical thinking, empirical and quantitative skills, teamwork, personal responsibility and social responsibility, by completing courses within each category or component area of the Core Curriculum as outlined below.

The University has approved specific courses that satisfy Core Curriculum Requirements. Approved courses can be found on the Core Curriculum Page. Students seeking the most efficient way to complete the core curriculum and major or minor requirements are advised to take approved courses that can fulfill both requirements. Although core curriculum courses can also be used to fulfill major or minor requirements, earned credits hours are only applied once. The courses listed below fulfill core curriculum and major requirements. Students who have completed a core curriculum category with courses other than those listed below will still be required to take the listed course(s) to meet major requirements.

080 Social and Behavioral Sciences - 3 hours

ECON 2301Principles of Macroeconomics


Students who have taken another course in section 080 will still need to complete ECON 2301 with a ‘C' or better.

090 Integrative and Experiential Learning - 6 hours

QUMT 2398Decision Analytics


Students who completed this category thru other coursework should consult with an advisor.

Major Requirements – 48 Hours

Required Courses - 15 hours

Economics Foundation - 6 hours

ECON 2302Principles of Microeconomics


POLS 2350Introduction to Political Economy


Before beginning Advanced Courses, review and submit your Application for Admission into VCoBE.

Advanced Economics Core - 9 hours

ECON 3341Econometrics


ECON 3351Macroeconomic Theory


ECON 3352Microeconomic Theory


Prescribed Electives - 33 hours

Economics Foundation Electives - 12 hours


INFS 1001Computer Proficiency


 INFS 1001 is a prerequisite for QUMT 2341. Students should email for more information.

Choose one:
MATH 1342Elementary Statistical Methods


QUMT 2341Business Statistics I


Choose one:
COMM 1311Introduction to Communication


COMM 1315Public Speaking


Choose two:
ACCT 2301Introduction To Financial Accounting


SOCI 1323Social Problems


PSYC 2301General Psychology


ANTH 2351Introduction to Cultural Anthropology


Any advanced POLS

Advanced POLS are 3000 and 4000 level. 

Advanced Economics Core Electives - 12 hours

Choose one:
ECON 3342Business and Economics Forecasting


ECON 4340Introduction to Mathematical Economics


Choose one:
ECON 3354Health Economics


ECON 3358Labor Economics


Choose one:
ECON 3343Economics of the Government Sector


ECON 3381Money and Banking


Choose one:
ECON 3353International Trade


FINA 4300Topics in Finance


Advanced Economics Electives - 9 hours

Choose 9 hours from any advanced ECON electives. 

Students are encouraged to consult with an advisor prior to selecting electives.


Minor - hours will vary

A minor MUST be completed to attain BA in Economics.

Minors vary in credit hours required. If applicable, the credit hours in the minor selected may impact the number of free electives required to reach the 120 credit hours needed to earn a bachelor’s degree.

Free Electives - hours will vary

Free elective credit hours at the advanced level may be needed to achieve the institutional minimum of 42 advanced hours and 120 hours for degree plan. Meet with an academic advisor to review your required hours. 

Advanced Minimum Credit Hours: 42

Total Credit Hours: 120

Major Admissions Requirements

Admission requirements required for this program beyond university admission requirements. 

1. Student must complete all 18 hours of Economics Foundation Courses, Economics Foundation Electives and a minimum of 33 credit hours in the General Education Core including ECON 2301, before applying to VCoBE.

2. Grades of ‘C’ or better in all Economics Foundation Economics and Economics Foundation Elective courses.

3. Grade of ‘C’ or better in ECON 2301.

4. A minimum 2.6 GPA in the combined General Education Core, Economics Foundation & Economics Foundation Electives. This GPA calculation will include transfer coursework.

5. All students pursuing a Bachelor’s degree from VCoBE, must apply for and be admitted to VCoBE before they are allowed to enroll in the Advanced Major coursework for their degree.

Major Progression Requirements

Progression requirements required for this program.

Students must earn a grade of ‘C’ or better in all advanced (3xxx-4xxx) BBA, BA, and BS-applicable courses in order to earn program credit towards this major. Students must maintain a minimum 2.5 Institutional GPA in degree plan.  

Major Graduation Requirements

Specific graduation requirements required for this program beyond university bachelor’s degree requirements.

1. Grade of ‘C’ or better in ECON 2301.

2. Grades of ‘C’ or better in all Economics Foundation and Economics Foundation Electives courses.

3. Students must earn a grade of ‘C’ or better in all advanced (3xxx-4xxx) BBA, BA, and BS-applicable courses.

4. A minimum 2.5 Institutional GPA in the combined Economics Foundation, Advanced Economics Core, and Prescribed Electives coursework being used to satisfy degree requirements. 

5. A minimum 2.5 Institutional GPA required for coursework being used to satisfy degree requirements.