Graduate Grading


A Excellent (4 grade points per hour)
B Good (3 grade points per hour)
C Satisfactory (2 grade points per hour)
F Failure (0 grade points per hour)
P Passing (not considered in calculating grade points)
NP No Pass (not considered in calculating grade points)
S Satisfactory (not considered in calculating grade points)
U Unsatisfactory (not considered in calculating grade points)
IP In Progress (not considered in calculating grade points)
I Incomplete (not considered in calculating grade points)
CR Credit (not considered in calculating grade points)
NC No Credit (not considered in calculating grade points)
DR Course Dropped (not considered in calculating grade points)
W Withdrawal (not considered in calculating grade points)


Total Grade Point Average

The total grade point average (GPA) at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley is calculated on the basis of courses taken at the university and excludes transferred grades. Coursework transferred from the University of Texas at Brownsville/Texas Southmost College for students enrolled at UTRGV prior to Fall 2017 are included in the calculation of the Institutional GPA.

Calculation of GPA

The grade point average (GPA) is computed by dividing the total grade points earned by the total term hours attempted. The cumulative GPA is calculated using total coursework attempted. Students should note that all attempted master's level coursework is calculated into the cumulative GPA, and likewise, all doctoral level coursework attempted is calculated into that cumulative GPA. The current term GPA is calculated using only coursework attempted within a specific term. Replacement of grades for courses previously taken is not allowed in the Graduate College. Attempted hours are the total number of hours for courses that a student has attempted including failing grades such as F, DR and W. Grade points are assigned based on the grade received multiplied by the number of credit hours. For example, a grade of A is equivalent to four grade points. If the course was offered for three credit hours, the grade points would be calculated as follows:

  • 4 (for grade of A) X 3 (hours) = 12 grade points

An illustration of the method of calculation of the GPA follows:

Course No. Grade Hours Points Attempted Total Points

ENGL 6300 A 3 hrs. x 4 pts. per hr. = 12
COMM 6340 B 3 hrs. x 3 pt. per hr. = 9
ENGL 6360 A 3 hrs. x 4 pts. per hr. = 12


To calculate the GPA for this example, divide the grade points by the attempted hours as follows: 33 divided by 9 = 3.66


Courses designated as “may be repeated for credit” in the catalog may be repeated. In repeatable courses, the GPA, attempted credit hours, and earned credit hours are counted.

Required core courses in which a student has earned an F, NC, NP, or U must be repeated to meet program of study and degree requirements. Programs may require other courses, such as proscribed electives or general electives in which a student has earned an F, NC, NP, or U to be repeated.

A student may not repeat an otherwise nonrepeatable course in which a grade of C or better was awarded, unless mandated by programmatic progression requirements.

Courses not designated as repeatable for additional credit cannot be repeated to improve the graduate GPA.