Undergraduate Grading


The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley uses a 4.0 grading scale. The following grades are used to designate achievement in coursework. Their corresponding grade values and points for students in undergraduate programs are indicated below.



(4 grade points per hour)



(3 grade points per hour)



(2 grade points per hour)


Below Average

(1 grade point per hour)



(0 grade points per hour)

The following grades may be used in undergraduate coursework, where allowed, and earn no grade points:

•   P (Passing)

•   NP (No Pass)

•   S (Satisfactory)

•   U (Unsatisfactory)

•   IP (In progress)

•   I (Incomplete)

•   CR (Credit)

•   NC (No Credit)

•   DR (Course dropped)

•   W (Withdrawal)

•   RA (Developmental-Pass)

•   RB (Developmental-Pass)

•   RC (Developmental-Pass)

•   RD (Developmental – No Pass)

•   RF (Developmental-No Pass)

•   RI (Developmental - Incomplete)

•   RP (Developmental – Pass)

•   RNP (Developmental – No Pass)


Total Grade Point Average

The total grade point average (GPA) at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley is calculated on the basis of courses taken at the university and excludes transferred grades. Coursework transferred from the University of Texas at Brownsville/Texas Southmost College for students enrolled at UTRGV prior to Fall 2017 are included in the calculation of the total GPA.

Calculation of Undergraduate Grade Point Average (GPA)

The grade point average (GPA) is computed by dividing the total grade points earned by the total credit hours attempted. The total GPA is calculated using institutional coursework attempted. The current semester grade point average is calculated using only coursework attempted within a specific semester. Attempted hours are the total number of hours for courses that a student has attempted including grades such as F, DR and W. Grade points are assigned based on the grade received multiplied by the number of credit hours. For example, a grade of A is equivalent to four grade points.

An illustration of the method of calculation of the GPA follows:

Course No.




Points Attempted


Total Points

ENGL 1301


3 hrs.


4 pts. per hr.



MATH 1314


3 hrs.


3 pt. per hr.



HIST 1301


3 hrs.


2 pts. per hr.



BIOL 1406


4 hrs.


1 pts. per hr.



KINE 1233


2 hrs.


0 pts. per hr.





15 hrs.






To calculate the GPA for this example, divide the grade points by the attempted hours as follows: 31 divided by 15 = 2.06


While a grade of D is considered passing in a subject, the student must maintain an overall average of a C, which corresponds to a 2.0 GPA, if the student expects to graduate.

In addition, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley has certain specific grade requirements. For example, the student must make a C in College Algebra and required freshman English courses. The student must also have at least a C average in both the major and minor fields.

Other specific requirements can be found in the program descriptions in other sections of the catalog, and overall requirements for a bachelor’s degree are listed on the Undergraduate Catalog.


President’s List

After each fall and spring semester, a President’s List is generated listing the names of all undergraduate students enrolled in a minimum of 12 college-level (non-developmental) hours who have a grade point average of 4.0 for courses taken that semester. The Office of the President notifies students who qualify for the President’s List via email notification to students’ campus email addresses. Certificates may be available from their office upon request from the student.

Dean’s List

After each fall and spring semester, a Dean’s list is generated listing the names of all undergraduate students enrolled in a minimum of 12 college-level (non-developmental) hours who have a grade point average of 3.5 or better for courses taken that semester. The Office of the University Registrar notifies students who qualify for the Dean’s List via email notification to students’ campus email addresses.


Repeating Coursework Completed At UTRGV

Students may repeat (i.e., take a second or subsequent time) a previously completed course under two circumstances: (a) repeating the course for additional credit and (b) repeating the course to improve the course grade. These two types of repeats are explained further below.

Before repeating any course, students should contact their academic advisor to determine the application of credits from the second or subsequent enrollment in the course toward meeting program requirements. Students are also advised to check with the Office of Financial Aid to determine how grades earned from repeated coursework may impact their financial aid eligibility status.

The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley’s policy for repeating coursework is as follows.

Repeating Courses for Additional Credit

Certain courses in the catalog have been approved and identified in the student registration system (ASSIST) as repeatable for additional credit beyond the first successful completion of the course. Examples of these courses are special topics courses, performance courses, research experiences, internships and similar courses approved by the program and institution to be repeated for additional credit. All semester credit hours and grade points from each completion of the course taken are included in the student’s record, in the number of hours earned at UTRGV, and the student’s grade point average (GPA) calculation when appropriate. These courses have been approved to be repeatable for additional credit but have limited repeatability. It is important for students to acquaint themselves with the number of repeats allowed for a specific course and the number of credits applicable to their program of study.

Repeating Courses to Improve Grades

Most courses in the catalog are non-repeatable and can only satisfy program requirements once. Students may enroll in non-repeatable courses to improve their course grade and grade point average. Students who have earned a grade of C or higher in the first attempt of a course should consult with an academic advisor before repeating a course to discuss the potential impact of earning a lower grade on a second or subsequent attempt.

 A student cannot enroll in a non-repeatable course for which he or she has an unresolved grade of I (incomplete). Courses taught under two different prefixes (i.e., cross listed in the catalog and course registration), but have the same or similar title and course descriptions are considered the same course for repeat counting.

According to Texas Education Code 54.014, a resident undergraduate student attempting the same class, excluding designated repeatable courses, for the third time will be charged tuition at the nonresident undergraduate student rate for the same number of semester credit hours. This is often referred to as the "threepeat rule." See catalog section on Three-Attempt Course Fees.

Impact Of Repeating Non-Repeatable Courses on Grade Point Average

If a student has completed a non-repeatable course to improve his or her grade more than once, then the last or most recent grade from all completions will be used in the GPA calculation. This is the case even if the last grade is lower than a prior grade. Course completions prior to the last one will be marked on the transcript with “E” (excluded).

Repeating Coursework Transferred to UTRGV

Repeating Transferred Course Work for Additional Credit at UTRGV

Courses transferred for credit as equivalent to UTRGV coursework from another institution may not be repeated at UTRGV for additional credit under any circumstance.

Repeating Transferred Courses to Improve Grades

Students who have previously completed a course at another institution may enroll in the equivalent course at UTRGV to improve his or her grade. Students who have earned a grade of C or higher in the first attempt of a course should consult with an academic advisor before repeating a course to discuss the potential impact of earning a lower grade on a second or subsequent attempt.

Impact of Repeating Non-repeatable Courses on Grade Point Average for Transferred Courses

If a student completes an equivalent non-repeatable course at UTRGV after previously completing it at another institution, then the last grade from all completions at UTRGV will be used in the GPA calculation. Course completions prior to the last one will be marked on the transcript with “E” (excluded). Any grades from an equivalent course completed at another institution after the completion of the course at UTRGV will not replace the UTRGV course grade.


UTRGV offers college credit by examination to qualified students through a variety of approved examinations. A student may receive up to 30 hours of undergraduate credit by examination through the following programs or methods:

CEEB Advanced Placement (AP) Tests

If you are a high school student anticipating course credit through CEEB AP Tests, you should make arrangements to take the proper examination(s) with your high school counselor or AP coordinator. This should be done in time for your scores to be received and evaluated by UTRGV before you begin your first semester. Course credit or exemptions may be obtained in the subjects listed in the website.

International Baccalaureate (IB) Tests

The International Baccalaureate (IB) tests are offered worldwide to students enrolled in programs affiliated with the IB program. The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley will grant credit on IB higher-level tests for the courses listed. Please contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions for additional information.

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Students can earn course credit at UTRGV in a wide variety of subject areas through CLEP Subject Examinations, which are standardized 90-minute, multiple-choice tests.

UTRGV does not grant CLEP credit for a course in which the student has received a letter grade, unless the student dropped or withdrew from the course. These exams are administered by the UTRGV Testing Center several times a month throughout the academic year.

Local Advanced Standing Examinations-For Credit

Students may acquire college credit through local examinations at UTRGV. Local examinations may not be taken for courses for which an approved CLEP subject examination exists. Credit earned through these exams does not count toward earned credit hour requirements for academic residency. Only institutionally approved local exams may be taken for credit.

Other Exams

In addition to the exams listed above, COLLEGE BOARD also offers the following exams: College Composition, College Composition Modular, Natural Science, Humanities, Human Growth & Development, Social Sciences & History, College Mathematics, and Financial Accounting. Although these exams are not currently accepted at UTRGV they may still be administered at our campus and transferred to another institution.