The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

CMPE 3333 Algorithms and Data Structures

This course is a continuation of data structures topics covered in CMPE 2380. Content includes theoretical topics in algorithmic efficiency and complexity, along with abstract data types, including graphs, networks, trees, and priority queues. Search topics, including hashing, trees, external search trees (B-trees), and sorting algorithms including external sorting are introduced and compared. Computational complexity topics include the class P and NP, NP-completeness and reducibility, NP-completeness proofs, and NP-complete problems. Equivalent course: CSCI 3333. A student may receive credit in only one course.




Grade of C or better in: [CSCI 3310 or MATH 2346 or MATH 2305] and [CSCI 2380 or CSCI 2388 or CMPE 2380 or CMPE 2388]

Cross-Listed Courses

CSCI 3333

Schedule Type


Grading Basis

Standard Letter (A-F)

Administrative Unit

Dept of Electr & Comp Enginr


As scheduled