The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

CMPE 3334 Systems Programming

This course covers the design and implementation of system software. It investigates the relationship between software design and machine architecture. Topics may include assemblers, macro-processors, compilers, loaders, debugging environments, program development and archival tools, command language interpreters (shells), file systems, I/O support, processes, threads, and inter-process communication. Equivalent course: CSCI 3334, a student may receive credit in only one course.




Grade of C or better in: [CSCI 2380 or CSCI 2388 or CMPE 2380 or CMPE 2388] and [CSCI 2333 or CMPE 2333 or ELEE 3435 or CMPE 3437]

Cross-Listed Courses

CSCI 3334

Schedule Type


Grading Basis

Standard Letter (A-F)

Administrative Unit

Dept of Electr & Comp Enginr


As scheduled