The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

CMPE 3340 Software Engineering I

A formal approach to the state-of-the-art techniques in software design and development. Emphasis will be on Project Planning, Requirements, Specification, and System Design and includes object design, testing, and implementation. Provides the student with the opportunity to work on large projects in a group situation. Equivalent course: CSCI 3340. A student may receive credit in only one course.




Grade of C or better in: [3 advanced hours in CSCI or CMPE] and [CSCI 2380 or CSCI 2388 or CMPE 2380 or CMPE 2388]

Cross-Listed Courses

CSCI 3340

Schedule Type


Grading Basis

Standard Letter (A-F)

Administrative Unit

Dept of Electr & Comp Enginr


As scheduled