Academic Deficiencies

The Podiatric Medical Student Evaluation and Promotion Committee (PMSEPC) monitors the progress of students throughout the four-year podiatric medical education program. Students must meet all the academic requirements for each year of the program to be promoted to the next academic year.

The module director is responsible for monitoring student progress within their modules and are responsible for reporting the names of students who have failed a module to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, and the Director of Student Services, and the PMSEPC within five business days of the completion of the module. The Assistant Dean for Curriculum and Clinical Education is responsible for reporting failures to the SOPM Assistant Registrar and also for the oversight of the student remediation process, including the development, determination of adequacy, and implementation of remediation plans for all students who are eligible to remediate due to failure of a       module.

The remediation plan, including expectations for work to be performed, student assessment, passing level, and time for the remediation, are developed by the Module Co-Director(s) and/or assigned faculty, and submitted to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs within two weeks from when the initial grade of F or I is posted. The first remediation attempt must be completed within 3 weeks of the end of the academic year.

Consequences of failure to meet academic standards and requirements are outlined below.

  • One Deficiency in an Academic Year: If the student fails one module in year one between 65% - 69.999% raw score, the student can retest within one week of notification to successfully remediate the grade before the beginning of year two. If student were unable to successfully remediate through a cumulative module retest, student will remediate at the end of the academic year. A successful remediation in the cumulative module retest would be a 70% raw score.

  • If the student fails one module in year one below 65%, the student must successfully remediate the grade before the beginning of year two. Students whose raw score is below 65% do not qualify for 1-week retest as a remediation plan. Students will not remediate during the regular academic year but will be expected to have completed remediation by no later than three weeks following the end of the academic year.

    • If the final grade earned in a course or clerkship is Fail (F) or Incomplete (I), a formal plan of remediation is instituted.

    • Requirements for a grade of (I) will be established by the module or clerkship director and the student and submitted to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and the chair of the PMSEPC.

    • If the student fails to successfully remediate the incomplete course, the student will receive an F in the course or clerkship and will be referred to the PMSEPC for review.”

  • Two or More Deficiencies in an Academic Year: More than one deficiency (F or I grade) in a single academic year may result in dismissal from the program. Alternatively, the student may be required to repeat a portion or the full year. The PMSEPC will determine a plan to resolve the deficiencies merited by the situation and will place the student on formal At-Risk status.

  • Multiple Deficiencies across Academic Years: Multiple deficiencies during enrollment will be reviewed for the severity of the overall problem and a recommended course of action for the individual will be made by the PMSEPC. Consistency of performance is also evaluated. Any student who records two or more deficiencies (F or I grade) throughout enrollment in the SOPM will be reviewed on an on-going basis by the PMSEPC, will be placed on At-Risk status, and may be subject to further PMSEPC action.