Student Academic Grievance and Grade Appeals

An academic grievance is a complaint regarding an academic decision or action that affects the student’s academic record. Academic grievances in UTRGV SOPM may be handled by informal resolution or formal resolution.

Pre-Clerkship Grievances

A student who feels that they have an academic grievance in the pre-clerkship curriculum, usually regarding an examination score or module grade, may attempt to informally resolve the concern by contacting the Course Director in writing within five (5) business days from the date the student knew or should have known of the academic concern. Within thirty (30) calendar days from receipt of the student’s written communication, the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs or designee will investigate the concern and provide the student with a written decision.

Clerkship Grievances

A student who feels that they have an academic grievance in the clinical curriculum, usually related to narrative evaluation comments, overall evaluation, an examination score, or a course grade, may attempt to informally resolve the concern by contacting the Clerkship Director or Assistant Dean Clinical/Clerkship in writing within five (5) business days from the date the student knew or should have known of the academic concern. Within thirty (30) calendar days from receipt of the student’s written communication, the Clerkship Director or Assistant Dean /Clerkship will investigate the concern, employing departmental education processes such as committee review as per departmental practice, and provide the student a written decision.

Formal Appeals in Pre-Clerkship and Clerkship

The process and procedures for formal academic grievance ("appeal") resolution are sequenced below. Academic grievance applies to concerns adversely influencing the student's academic status. Examples include, but are not limited to, examination score, module, course or clerkship grades, remediation, repetition, suspension, probation, professionalism sanctions, and dismissal.

A student must file written notice of grievance with the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs or designee and the Chair of the Podiatric Medical Student Evaluation and Promotion Committee (PMSEPC) within five (5) business days from the date the student knew or should have known of the concern unless the student first pursues an informal grievance process. In that instance, the student must then file the formal grievance within five (5) business days of the written decision for the informal grievance. If the student chooses not to attempt informal resolution of a grievance, they must file a formal written appeal not more than five (5) business days from the date the student knew or should have known of the academic concern.

The aggrieved student must meet with the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs or designee to ensure factual accuracy of the basis for appeal, review the processes and procedures, and anticipate preparation of documentation for the PMSEPC meeting. In the written appeal, the student must describe the rationale for the grievance in detail and propose a resolution. An ad hoc group of the PMSEPC, including the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, the Chair of the PMSEPC and one member of the PMSEPC, will investigate the grievance, meeting with the student as necessary to ensure a comprehensive review. The Chair of the PMSEPC will present the student's written statement and any supporting documentation, as well as the ad hoc investigatory summary to the PMSEPC at the next scheduled PMSEPC meeting. The PMSEPC may defer a decision if more information/documentation is required to make a responsible decision and may request a face-to-face meeting with the student prior to rendering a decision. The PMSEPC will provide the student a written decision within five (5) business days after the meeting. The decision of the PMSEPC is final, pending appeal to the Dean of the SOPM (herein referred to as the Dean). The student continues in the curriculum until the appeal process is exhausted unless the student's continuance poses a safety concern.

The student may file a written secondary appeal to the Dean within five (5) business days from receipt of the PMSEPC written decision. The student must also inform the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Director of Student Services of the intent to appeal, also within the same the five (5) business days. The student's appeal portfolio must include a justification statement for secondary appeal and all documentation provided to the PMSEPC. Upon review of the student's record and appeal portfolio, the Dean may elect to:

1) Take no action, allowing the PMSEPC decision to stand.
2) Modify the PMSEPC decision.
3) Make an alternate decision.
4) Impanel an ad hoc committee to re-examine the decision and make recommendations.

Within fifteen (15) business days from receipt of the student’s appeal, the Dean will provide a written decision to the student and the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Director of Student Services. The decision of the Dean is final appellate review.