Grades and Class Rank

Pre-Clerkship Grades

Module grades for PMS 1 and PMS 2 are based on a Pass/Fail system. Each module provides students with its own School of Podiatric Medicine Curriculum Committee (SPMCC) approved grading rubric which is comprised of two assessment components:

1) Objective Educational Activities and Assessments (examination, quizzes, presentations).
2) Performance Based and Professionalism Assessments (clinical skills, Objective Structured Clinical Exams, professionalism rubric, etc.).

Students must pass both components to receive a passing grade for the modules.

***The Grading for Basic Science Curriculum will be administered by the SOPM Instructor of Record and approved by the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs.

Pass/Fail Grading System (Pre-Clinical Years)

Achievement of at least 70% in module grades for PMS 1 and PMS 2 will be considered passing. All grades below 70% will be considered failing.

• 90-100% = Honors (4.0)
• 80-89.99% = High Pass (3.5)
• 70-70.99% = Pass (2.5)
• 0-69.99% = Fail (1.0)

****At the end of the pre-clinical years, a grade point average may be calculated using a 4.0 scale to assist SOPM students with post-graduate residency education placement.

****Final grades for modules must be submitted to the registrar within two weeks from the end date of the module.


Class rank is based on pre-clerkship and clerkship performance and is computed only after all grades have been collected at the conclusion of Year Three unless a ranking is needed at another time for outside agency reporting. Class rank is not posted on the official transcript but is included in the Podiatric Medical Student Performance Evaluation and used as part of the determination for Pi Delta National Honor Society. Class ranking places students in quartiles, not in numerical rank order

Clerkship Grades

Clinical Grading & Ranking

A comprehensive and holistic approach for assessment and ranking will be utilized in the clerkship years. The podiatric medical student's progress to clinical competency will be evaluated and measured by how well the student can translate and apply the cognitive knowledge from the pre-clinical years in the clinical setting. The clinical skills and behaviors of the developing physician will be the central focus of the assessment process during the clerkship years. Clerkship grades are based on an Honors, High Pass, Pass, and Fail system.

Each clerkship provides students with its own SPMCC approved grading rubric which is based on:

1) Objective Educational Activities and Assessment which evaluates students’ knowledge (exams, quizzes, presentations, projects, OSCE’s).
2) Performance-Based Assessment (OSCE’s, DOPS for clinical skills, and professionalism-based rubric).
3) Post Clerkship Comprehensive Clinical Assessment OSCE (PMSB 9301); not included in non-podiatric rotations.

Criterion vs. Norm Based Evaluation

The UTRGV School of Podiatric Medicine uses a criterion-based performance evaluation system in clinical rotations. All students whose performance meets established criteria can earn a pass regardless of how other students perform. This contrasts with a curved or norm-based system where only a certain proportion of students can earn the top descriptor of performance.

Grading: Final Grade Determination for 3rd and 4th Clerkships years and Ranking

(Knowledge % Points + Skills % Points + Professionalism % Points + Post Clerkship Comprehensive Clinical Assessment OSCE %= Total Points)

Total % Points and Grade Distinction

• 90-100% = Honors (4.0)
• 80-89.99% = High Pass (3.5)
• 70-70.99% = Pass (2.5)
• 0-69.99% = Fail (≤1.0)

Final grades for each rotation are reported as per the clinical year through grading policy. Clerkship directors will assess final grades for the rotation and will consider the students’:

• Fulfillment of required clinical experience procedures
• Didactic sessions including attendance and assignments
• Mid rotation evaluation
• Final rotation evaluation
• Passing of professionalism

Selective and elective grades are based on a pass/fail system. Elective grades are based on the assessment criteria developed for each elective and approved by the SPMCC before the selective/elective is offered. Final grades for selective and electives must be submitted to the UTRGV Registrar within six weeks of the end date of the module.

Students who remediate and pass a module clerkship or course will receive a grade no higher than a “pass” and their grade will appear on their academic records and transcript as (F/P). Grading policies for modules, clerkship selective, and electives must be published in the respective syllabi and reviewed with the students on the first day of class.

A failed rotation must be remediated by completing a comparable rotation. The percentage score assigned for obtaining a Pass on a remediated/repeated rotation following a failing grade will be set at 70% for class rank and GPA (Grade Point Average) computation. Both the original course and grade as well as the remediated course and grade will appear on the transcript, but only the remediated passing score of 70% will be used in GPA and class rank computations.