General Registration and Enrollment Information


Students register for their courses online via ASSIST. Students will not be added to the official class rosters or after the registration periods have ended as published in the academic calendar. Per the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Rules and Regulations, students may not enroll in a course after the official census date. Per Texas Administrative Code (Title 19, Part 1, Chapter 21, Subchapter A, Rule 21.4), students must pay all tuition and fees by the 20th class day in a regular semester (fall or spring), or by the 15th class day in a summer session. Students who do not pay tuition and fees in full or request installment plans when available will have their classes dropped for that term and may need to return financial aid to the institution.


In order to provide students with easy access to student information, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley developed Advanced Services for Student Information Supported by Technology (ASSIST). Through ASSIST, students may access general academic and financial information from any place they have access to the web. Personal information is protected by the student’s UTRGV username and password. Students receive these as a part of the admissions process. For assistance, students may contact the IT Help Desk located in the Academic Services Building, Rm. 1.102.

Registration is available online via ASSIST to currently enrolled students and students who apply by the published admission deadline. Academic advisement for designated populations is mandatory to be eligible for registration. Students with admissions, disciplinary, or financial holds (whether for money university assets or outstanding obligations) will not be permitted to register until each hold has been cleared. Likewise, students on academic suspension without an approved appeal may not be permitted to register in the next long semester (fall or spring).

Students may make changes to their schedules during the registration period at the beginning of each term as published in the Academic Calendar. Registration information is available online. Students who register after the first-class day will be assessed a late registration fee. Computers are available at UCentral on the Brownsville and Edinburg campuses for online registration.


The academic calendar provides deadlines for dropping courses. It is the student’s responsibility to drop a class by the appropriate deadline. A student is “dropping” a class or classes if the student remains enrolled in a minimum of one credit hours after all other class drops have been completed. Students may drop class from their schedules for a limited time each semester. Students who drop all of their classes are withdrawing from the university and should refer to the catalog section on Withdrawing from the University.

Before a Term Has Started 

If the semester has not begun, students may drop classes online in ASSIST.

After a Term Has Started

To drop a class or classes after the official census date published in the academic calendar, a student must log in to ASSIST and request the drop by the deadline as listed in the university’s academic calendar.

All class drops must be completed during the first 75% of the semester or term (refer to the academic calendar in this catalog or online for deadline dates). Students dropping during this time will receive a grade of DR, and the drop will count again the six-course drop limit. After the deadline for drops and withdrawals, the student remains on the class roster and will receive the letter grade he/she earns.

For information on the tuition refunds, see the Tuition Refund Policy.


UTRGV students must obtain special permission from the instructor of record to audit or visit a class. Students who wish to audit graduate classes (5000-9000 level) must be eligible to enroll in the course for credit before they will be allowed to audit. Students auditing classes do not receive academic credit. One may enroll as an auditor no later than the Census Day of the term by:

  1. Obtaining a “Class Audit” Form from the Student Services Center,
  2. Having it approved by the instructor of the class to be audited,
  3. Paying the required fee at the Office of Payments and Collections on or by the published Census Day, and
  4. Using the receipt as an admission card to the class.

Such approval may be granted only if space is available in face-to-face classes or hybrid classes with face-to-face components and only if the instructor permits the student to audit the class. Instructors reserve the right to refuse any request to audit or visit a course. Enrollment as an auditor does not permit the enrollee to take examinations, to have tests or other papers checked by the instructor, to gain access to online materials including any in BlackBoard or similar learning management systems or to participate in the class discussions. Audit fees ($50 per class) are nonrefundable and may not be appealed. Individuals who are not regularly enrolled students at the university are also eligible to audit classes subject to the regulations stated above, although there will be no transcripted record of the individual having taken the class, nor will any other formal documentation of completion be made available.

A person 65 years of age or older may enroll as an auditor without credit and without payment of an audit fee.


Senate Bill 62 (SB62) was passed during the 2013 legislative session and signed into law. For incoming students to UTRGV, this new law, effective January 1, 2014, requires that all entering students 21 years of age and younger attending an institution of higher education in the state of Texas, including transfer students, show evidence of having received the Meningococcal Meningitis Vaccination no more than 5 years and no less than 10 days prior to the start of the semester or 10 days prior to the student taking up residence in on-campus housing. The law also allows for exemptions on medical grounds or reasons of conscience, including religious belief.

Students must submit one of the following documents:

  • A “Bacterial Meningitis Immunization Record” signed by a health practitioner evidencing that the student has been vaccinated against bacterial meningitis or any other official state or local immunization record. Confirmation of the MCV4 (Menactra or Menveo) vaccine will satisfy as the requirement. The MPSV4 (Menomune) vaccination may be accepted if administered or boosted within the past 5 years. Vaccinations must be administered no fewer than 10 days prior to the first day of the semester for which the student is enrolling.
  • A “Refusal of Immunization for Medical Reasons” signed by a physician who is licensed and registered to practice medicine in the United States which states the physician’s opinion that the required vaccination would be injurious to the health and wellbeing of the student.
  • A “Texas Department of State Health Services Conscientious Exemption” signed by the student stating that the student has declined the vaccination for reasons of conscience, including religious belief. This Affidavit must be notarized and submitted within 90 days of notarization. Original document must be submitted, no copies allowed. The Affidavit can also be used by students who have already received two doses and do not wish to receive another booster shot.

Students who fail to satisfy this requirement will not be able to attend the university. Failure to submit documentation of the required vaccination does not alleviate the student’s responsibility under any contractual relationship with the university. The proof of vaccination against Bacterial Meningitis can be mailed, faxed, emailed or hand delivered to UCentral. The original notarized immunization affidavit received from the Texas Department of State Health Services must be mailed or hand delivered. Immunization records are not returned to the student, keeping a convenience copy is recommended.

For more information, see STU 01-200