ARTS 4312 Sustainable Product Design

Sustainable product design is an evolving field and establishes best practices for makers and designers that impact the environment. This course introduces students to user-centered design, carbon footprint assessment, fabrication of materials, aesthetics, sustainable design methods, cradle-cradle-thinking, packaging, and entrepreneurship. Rapid prototyping is the method used to create innovative designs that focus on rapid prototyping and testing products, services, and 3D objects from low fidelity prototypes to high-fidelity prototypes. There will be a focus on sustainability, usability testing, green materials, business strategies as projects focus on form, function, and green solutions.




Grade of "C" or better in ARTS 2331 or by instructor approval or by current enrollment in the Arts and Entrepreneurship Minor.

Schedule Type


Grading Basis

Standard Letter (A-F)

Administrative Unit

School of Art and Design


Fall, Spring, and Summer